[NABS-L] Informational interviewing

Mikayla Gephart mikgephart at icloud.com
Wed Oct 16 00:34:13 UTC 2019

Hi all,

     Sorry if you’re seeing this more than once, but I’m trying to reach as many people as I can. As many of you know, this is my first semester of college. I’ve always been pretty set on what I want to do for my career, but now I’m starting to want to explore other options. I won’t go into detail about the whole revelation I’ve been having, but would love to connect with anyone who can share their insights. can anyone recommend someone who is working or who majored in the fields of Social work, Political science, Early Childhood and Elementary Education, or teaching blind students? i’m sorry this is such a broad listI just have so many interest and I’m trying to figure out the best path for myself. if you or someone you know would be interested in participating in aninformational interview, could you please reach out to me outside of the group? We can do either over the phone or via email, and it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes. Thank you for your time And help throughout my time on this list.

Mikayla Gephart 

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