[NABS-L] Come one, come all: May NABS fundraising committee meeting 9 PM Eastern 6 PM Pacific

Hunter Kuester hunterkuester2 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 00:54:58 UTC 2021

What’s up NABS,
Spring has sprung and it’s time to come smell the May flowers as we
steamroll our way closer to National Convention. The NABS fundraising
committee is seeking your participation and our upcoming fundraisers, we
truly need input from all of you! Whether that be submitting a recipe or
two for our NABS nuggets cookbook, or gathering pledges for walkathon. our
upcoming meeting will be next SundayMay 9 at 9 PM Eastern 6 PM Pacific. To
join us: Join Zoom Meeting

https://zoom.us/j <https://zoom.us/j/4678833687>

Meeting ID: 467 883 3687

One tap mobile

+13017158592,,4678833687# US (Germantown)

+13126266799,,4678833687# US (Chicago)

Keep it classy,

Hunter Kuester
Co-chair NABS fundraising committee
Hunter Kuester, Travel Assistant
Blindness: Learning In New Dimensions, (BLIND) Inc.
100 East 22nd Street
Minneapolis, MN  55404
(612) 872-0100 ext. 234
First Vice President of the Minnesota Association of Blind Students
Cell: (920)-285-8530
hunterkuester2 at gmail.com

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