[nagdu] finding an empty seat and update on training

Ioana Gandrabur igandrabur at gmx.de
Sat May 29 04:25:40 UTC 2010

Hi from San Rafael!

Adrian put his head on the chair but if it was under a table he would show
me the exposed part e.g. the back of it.

This little or not so little guy I am going home with tomorrow is a bit over
enthusiastic so, after showing me the chair with his head on it or on the
arm rest if I don't acknowledge him fast enough or if he is really happy
about finding  an other chair in the same room he'd jump on it if possible
with all 4 paws. Naturally I am not going to encourage this method but it
cracks me up when he does it. He's almost saying: "here lady! Do you get it
now finally?"He turned 18 months today.

We are doing well and I am looking forward to going home with him.
He is a bit dog distracted but at least for now very easy to refocus.
He is not at all a sniffer so this is very refreshing because with Adrian I
would always have to double guess if he is using initiative in leaving our
traveling line or just going to check out local aromas.
However I have found out the hard way that he is a terrible opportunist
around food. He grabbed half my dinner salad from the table 2 days ago. 
Granted it was
not fair to me because I did not expect food to be there as I arrive to find
the chair. Normally it would come after I sit down. Anyhow I had a real
melt-down over it. I guess the intense training tiredness and the
realisation that our food war is on, wondering how much it would spiral
downwards as he realises he can get away with more than with the trainers
really were the drop that made the glass overflow. I then started being
upset at being upset with the dog and so on. Have to laugh as I write it now
because it seams so irrational. Things are back on  track and we will just
have to do many food set-ups. Gentle leader works well with him too. I might
have to put it on every time we walk into a building where there might be 
easily available. The fact that he's 25 inches at the shoulder and reaches
with no effort at all many normal height tables does not help either. would
not change him for the world though. He's very attached to me already I
think. I can hardly practice re-calls off leash because if I move away from 
before I know it he's at my side so I can't even try the "come command".

Well tomorrow is the big day and I'll say good by to a place that although 
spend relatively little time here feels like some kind of home in many ways.
I am ready to start our new partnership in earnest and unless very 
things developed as we transition the 2 weeks were more than enough for us.

Time to go pack and I really dislike doing it so I ended up at the computer.

Best to you all!

Ioana and Loyal

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