[nagdu] drinking water, was, puppy follow!

Abigail Bolling violingirl30794 at gmail.com
Mon Sep 1 15:17:39 UTC 2014

Hi all,

Jada loves water, especially with big ice cubes. 
She tanks up on water after a walk or even she comes inside. 

Raven. Something I've noticed is that Holden's and other breeds don't necessarily obsess over food and water like labs do. 

Correct me if I'm wrong

Abigail Bolling
Wright State University: Social Work
"Keep a smile on your face and a song in your heart, and just let the music play." (Julie Anderson Diamond)

> On Aug 31, 2014, at 6:15 PM, Nicole Torcolini via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Raven,
>    For anything involving amounts, you have to worry about going to far
> in either direction. As Julie and Vivianna have said, most of us who call
> our dogs away from water do so because we have learned the hard way that not
> doing so had negative consequences. Lexia does not drink as much if she does
> not drink immediately after coming in from doing her business or if she eats
> first, which, to me, is a clear sign that she does not really need all of
> the water. I give her more later, so it is not like I am depriving her of
> water. Also, there is a difference in relieving more often and relieving too
> much. Finally, no, most dogs do not know how much they need. Some might, but
> most don't. Some breeds do not eat as much, but most dogs will just eat and
> eat and eat. I have a friend whose dog ate most if not all--I cannot
> remember the details--of a bag of dog food. I think that they do it by
> instinct because wild dogs do not know when their next meal will be and how
> much it will be. I think that most dogs will stop eventually with water, but
> not always before they make themselves sick and/or need to urinate a lot
> more.
> Nicole
> -----Original Message-----
> From: nagdu [mailto:nagdu-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Vivianna via
> nagdu
> Sent: Sunday, August 31, 2014 5:01 AM
> To: NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users
> Subject: [nagdu] drinking water, was, puppy follow!
> when i first got this dog home, she was obsessed with water.  she would
> drink the entire bowl if i didn't call her away.  i could not even leave
> water down as, she would keep trying to go back and drink it all.
> she is 5 now and, i am able to leave a bowl of water down for her.
> Vivianna
>> On Aug 31, 2014, at 6:36 AM, Julie J. via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>> Some dogs will drink or eat until they throw up.  My oldest dog, Belle,
> will.  She's especially bad about drinking way too much cold water.  It will
> all come back up on my carpet.  I call her away from the water so what she's
> had can settle before she drinks more.  I leave water down all the time.   I
> don't see that making her wait 15-20 minutes is going to cause anything
> negative to happen.
>> Julie
>> -----Original Message----- From: Raven Tolliver via nagdu
>> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 10:13 PM
>> To: Mark J. Cadigan ; NAGDU Mailing List,the National Association of 
>> Guide Dog Users
>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] puppy follow!
>> Normal amount consumed daily ranges from dog to dog, and day to day 
>> depending on weather and activity. The Golden Guy only drinks about
>> 5-6 cups a day max. Of course, there's a high percentage of water in 
>> his food, so that counts for something.
>> The key here is that Abby said she noticed her dog drinking more than 
>> normal,. I would assume that means that her dog's daily water 
>> consumption has increased by noticeable amounts, which would signal a 
>> red flag to me. Yes, it has been more humid in many areas, but 
>> significantly increased daily water intake usually means there's 
>> something going on inside. Some type of diagnostic tests should 
>> definitely be run.
>> Also, I would caution against calling a dog away from the water bowl.
>> I know that some dogs overdrink and would overeat if allowed, but I 
>> believe that they know how much they need. When my dog started 
>> drinking way more water when we were down in NC, I never called him 
>> away from the water bowl. Of course, he was urinating more frequently 
>> and for longer periods of time, and also having diarrhea. I definitely 
>> did not want him to get dehydrated, so I allowed him to drink as much 
>> as he wanted, and then I would take him outside every 3 hours until I 
>> got the problem under control, which took me a long time since I was 
>> so new to natural-rearing and botanical medicine.
>>> On 8/30/14, Mark J. Cadigan via nagdu <nagdu at nfbnet.org> wrote:
>>> For water consumption, I red an article somewhere that said something 
>>> like "a dog will drink one ounce per pound of body weight." However, 
>>> I was unable
>>> to locate the research behind this. For more information check out 
>>> http://www.petmd.com/dog/nutrition/evr_dg_the_importance_of_water
>>> A 60lb dog will drink around 60 ounces of water. That's 7.5 cups a day.
>>> Also, remember that water consumption can vary depending on 
>>> environmental factors.
>>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "debby phillips via nagdu" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> To: "Abigail Bolling" <violingirl30794 at gmail.com>; "NAGDU Mailing 
>>> List,the National Association of Guide Dog Users" <nagdu at nfbnet.org>; 
>>> <graduate56 at juno.com>; <nagdu at nfbnet.org>
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 30, 2014 1:18 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [nagdu] puppy follow!
>>>> Hi! If it's hot, she may need to drink lots of water.  You just may 
>>>> need to take her out to relieve more often.  Dogs can drink 8 cups a 
>>>> day, and be within normal range for drinking water.  As for booties, 
>>>> yes! It's okay
>>>> for her to have them on.  One way to test is to put your palm on the 
>>>> sidewalk, and if you can't stand it while you're counting to ten 
>>>> know that
>>>> your dog's feet need protection.  Also in winter if it's cold and 
>>>> there's
>>>> salt on the roads booties are necessary.    Peace,    Debby
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>> --
>> Raven
>> "if God didn't make it, don't eat it." - John B. Symes, D.V.M.
>> http://dogtorj.com
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