[NAGDU] Those Social Butterflies

Darla J. Rogers djrogers0628 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 8 18:06:12 UTC 2016

What an idiot you ran into on a subway platform; it seems incomprehensible
that someone wouldn't realize your dog is helping you to stay far enough
from the edge to be safe.


I am hoping I can work 5-year-old Huck into a dog who can be petted when and
how I say, but this over-friendliness has to stop; I caught him looking
across the street one time as we were walking along, and I corrected for it
and had to explain to the idiot who saw me that my feet were on our side of
the street and that's where his attention needs to be focused.  I know they
will glance at something they see or hear but to be fixated on  it.


You're a really good handler and your dogs are always well-behaved.


Darla  & Ornery Huck



Darla J. Rogers M.S.


Djrogers0628 at gmail.com


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