[NAGDU] Guide Dog Mom Guilt

Alysha Jeans alysha.jeans at gmail.com
Thu Apr 18 13:27:36 UTC 2019

I had a baby at the end of January, and I am now feeling incredibly guilty that I have been neglecting my guide dog. I have still been taking him for walks around the neighborhood, but it is so difficult to find time to groom him, play with him a lot, and work him in other places. When I do go places, I have often been leaving him home because it just seems like too much to drag along the dog, the baby, and all the baby gear. I’m going on a short weekend trip to visit family soon, and I’m seriously considering leaving my dog home which I never would have done before. The thought of being cramped on an airplane with a baby in my lap and the dog at my feet, worrying about finding places to park the dog and change diapers and feed the baby, avoiding crazy dogs in the airport, and packing all of the dog and baby stuff is a little overwhelming. I do think it will be better when my maternity leave is over and I go back to work since we will have a much more structured schedule, but I’m wondering if anyone has had similar feelings after having a child and if it gets better. We went to the mall a couple weeks ago to practice walking with the stroller, and my dog did so fantastic. It was a great reminder of why I have a guide dog to begin with. Luckily my dog is very easy-going and has taken it all in stride, but I feel so bad that I have not been able to give him nearly as much attention as he is used to. And I just don’t know if this is a temporary issue as I adjust to life with a child, or if I should make the hard decision to go back to primarily using a cane. My dog is almost 6 years old now so has a lot of good years left. He is seriously dog reactive though, and I have thought about retiring him over that even before the baby. Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated!


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