[Nfb-kzoo] Meeting Minutes

Emily Curl emily.curl at hotmail.com
Sat Mar 12 20:35:48 UTC 2011

Meeting minutes February 2011
Tyler opens the meeting. The meeting minutes and agenda were approved. Matt volunteered to start a google group. Tyler opened the meeting discussing by giving his presidential report. Megan reported on the KCMS pharmacy. The pharmacy now has a braille labeler. Megan gave the pharmacy a quick tutorial on using the labeler. Matt gave us his treasurer report. He was able to contact PNC and make arrangements to be able to access the report. Our group also received a donation.  JJ and Matt gave up an update on their trip to Washington Seminar. They were also in Daytona to be a part of the Blind driver challenge.  Tyler opened discussion about the Jernigan Scholarship for the national convention.  The national convention will be in Orlando this year.  The scholarship reimburses the participant after they have reached the convention destination. The hotel will honor the convention rate a few days before and after the convention dates. Those who are interested should contact Tyler for a letter of recommendation. Tyler discusses the goalball pizza party. The party will be at the Best Western on 11th st. JJ gave us an update on the improvements at the Library accessibility project. The public library in Kalamazoo has received money to update their accessibility. Some of our members worked with the library. The library bought a network license for zoom text and windows eyes. This will be installed at all 5 of the libraries. They also bought Cannon reading mobile, pocket magnifiers, an index embosser, and copies of Kurzweil.  Tim gave a report on fundraising.  Some of his ideas for fundraising were bakesale outside of walmart (Walmart will match some of the proceeds), an NFB carwash,  walk-a-thon, ice cream social, embossing braiile menus, and casino charity event.  Tyler closed the meeting.  		 	   		  

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