[Nfb-seniors] NFBN Senior Division June Phone Meeting - 1 WEEK FROM TODAY - Discussion, Vacationing

Robert Leslie Newman robertleslienewman at gmail.com
Mon Jun 4 18:21:08 UTC 2018

Hi you all

RE: Our meeting for June is one week away; Monday the 11th

Guests are welcome


Contents of this message:

*When and how to get on the call


*Minutes from our last meeting; Minutes are pasted in below 

*The NFB Pledge 


*#1 When and How to Get On the Call:

Date: Monday June 11th

Time: 6:00 MT, 7:00 CT 

Phone: 1-712-451-0011

Access Code: 345154Pound

(Barbara will have the monitor's info to record)


*#2 Agenda:

-First- Come-to-order, say our NFB pledge (Gwinn is our Presenter)


Second- secretary & treasurers Reports Will be given



-Membership- do make calls to past members who have not joined us during
recent meetings. And/or think of someone new to call and invite to join us
for this or next month's meeting.

-Any new ideas for finding people who need us?

-News about the success of our recent Walk for Independence

-Any news about the recent posting of our Division's offer of a convention
financial scholarship; any enquiries

-Anything else you may bring



-Anything you may bring 


Third- Philosophical Discussion, going on vacations or business trips;
suggested by Chris 


--Finally- Brags & Drags




*#3 NFB Pledge: 

 I pledge to participate actively in the efforts of the National

Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for
the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to
abide by its constitution. 


*#4 Minutes from last month: 




Monday, May 14, 2018


The NFBN Senior Division met by telephone conference on Monday, May 14,
2018. President Robert Newman called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM CDT.
Present were: President Robert Newman, Vice President Barbara Loos,
Secretary Linda Mentink, Treasurer Cheryl Livingston, Board Member Nancy
Oltman, Chris Boone, Gina Finnell, Walt Hively, Brad Loos, Steve Senteney,
Gerri Whitlow, and Gwynne Widhalm. Guests were: Dianne McGeorge and Warren


Linda recited the NFB Pledge. Gwynne will recite it next month.


Dianne McGeorge shared with us about downsizing-transitioning to a new home:
how to determine when to move, where to move, and what to take. This
prompted some discussion of things to consider (such as transportation,
closeness of grocery stores and pharmacies, accessibility of appliances if
renting) and, if moving to an apartment, getting access to needed paperwork
put out by the management. She answered questions.


Linda read the April meeting minutes. The ending balance date on the
Treasurer's report was incorrect. Chris moved, Cheryl seconded, that the
minutes be approved as corrected. The motion carried.


Cheryl read the Treasurer's Report as follows:


Treasurer's Report-Senior Division


May 11, 2018


Beginning Balance Apr 9, 2018 $991.82




PAC plan for May $ 15.00


Total expenses $ 15.00 




May 11 - 10% from B Canes $446.50


Ending Balance May 11, 2018 $1423.32


Respectfully submitted,


Cheryl Livingston, Treasurer


Notes: The B-Canes deposit is from Sept 2017 through May 8, 2018


Barbara moved, Gerri seconded, that the Treasurer's Report be accepted. The
motion carried.


QUARTERLY STATE BOARD MEETING. Cheryl mentioned that the state Board agreed
to set aside $5000 to help people go to National Convention. They are also
making our Gwendolyn Mangnall scholarships available. She encouraged those
who want to go, and do not have the resources, to give Amy a call and talk
to her about it. There will be a leadership seminar coming up; the date and
place have not been determined yet. The State Convention will be October 12,
13 and 14 in Columbus. The walk-a-thon will be May 19th. Barbara mentioned
that the next State Board Meeting is August 4 in Columbus. Robert, Cheryl,
Brad and Barbara will be on the walk. Barbara moved, Chris seconded, that we
donate $100 for the Walk. The motion carried.


OLD BUSINESS. After much discussion about whether we should help someone go
to both National and State Conventions, we decided to only help with State
Convention this year. Chris moved, Cheryl seconded, that we set aside $150
to help a senior, who's never attended State Convention, to attend this
year's State Convention in Columbus. Brad asked for an amendment that, if we
have a senior who's never been, let's do that; but if we have a senior who's
been, but still needs the help, we help that person. The motion carried.
After more discussion, Linda moved, Chris seconded, that we rescind the
motion. The motion carried. Chris moved, Barbara seconded, that we assist
someone to attend State Convention in the amount that they would need,
priority given to a senior who's never been before, provided that any
individual we assist provide at least $50 of their own money. The motion


BRAGS AND DRAGS. Barbara reported that she went to both of the meetings that
she talked about last time. The one at the school went really pretty well.
They are finally, at long last, saying they are going to get Braille on
things. They talked about this at the State Board Meeting. Chris has offered
to help if we get to that place where nothing is happening that needs to.
The Mobility Management Committee is working on an online calendar for
transportation. They have a 211 number people can call to get help finding
out what transportation is around in a given area. Smieda Sharma is working
with the committee, and is really interested in moving things forward in an
accessible way. They haven't done the app yet, but Bill Bivin told her that
they will work with the committee as they're doing it. They are going to be
having pretty much quarterly meetings of the state-wide entity, and moving
toward having more regional projects going on. She will keep us posted. She
is hoping that any of us who are in a given region will agree to
participate, because they need people throughout the state to participate in
this effort.


Linda mentioned that she probably will not be on the call next month because
she will be in Wisconsin. Robert will not be there, either, because he will
be out of the country on a cruise. Barbara will chair the meeting in June,
and Chris will do the minutes. Robert asked for suggestions for a special
speaker. Barbara suggested Aloma Bouma, who could talk about things older
people should start thinking about. That might be a good topic for our
August meeting. The topic for June will be going on vacations or business
trips, started by Chris.


We adjourned at 8:57 PM CDT.


Respectfully Submitted,


Linda Mentink, Secretary



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