[NFB-Seniors] Fw: Minutes from the senior division meeting January 20 2020 and Agenda for our upcoming senior division meeting slated for Monday, February 17 2020

Jane Degenshein jdegen16 at comcast.net
Sun Feb 16 12:40:59 UTC 2020

Hey all seniors around the country, come join us on Monday night February 17 
at 8 PM eastern for our monthly conference call
This month, we share a valuable quote about success and also add love quotes 
in our senior corner .
Hope to see ya there.
Dial: 1 605 468 8005
Code: 460994 pound

From: Jane Degenshein
Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2020 11:31 AM
To: Undisclosed-Recipient:;
Subject: Minutes from the senior division meeting January 20 2020 and Agenda 
for our upcoming senior division meeting slated for Monday, February 17 2020

Hello All
First, I want to wish all of you a Happy Valentine’s Day as our meeting will 
be after that!
Just a reminder that the book club will take place on Monday, February 17 at 
6 PM
What Rose Forgot
Dial : 1 605 468 8005
Code: 460994 Pound
National Federation of the Blind of New Jersey's senior division

Minutes from our senior division meeting held on Monday, January 20, 2020
1 Welcoming remarks
Jane thanked all for attending this call.
It was easy to remember as it was January 20, 2020
A special thank you to Anne Marie Harris for making the reminder calls.
woo hoo
We will dedicate this meeting to our dearly departed friend and mentor,
Jerry Fontenelli.
A moment of silence will start our meeting
as we reflect on his strength, compassion, and lighthearted joking.
Conference call etiquette was expected!
2 Roll Call
There were 30 in attendance.
Jane Degenshein, President
Mary Jo Partyka, 1st Vice-President
Jennifer Uchanow, 2nd Vice President
Linda DeBerardinis, Secretary
Ada Crandall, Board Member
Marie Sawyer, Board Member
Members: Barbara Finan, Linda Melendez, Angela Perone, Pam Hayes, Cathy 
Butzler, Rene Frieling, Pat Bunce, Sherry Rollins, Cynthia Jones, Chris 
Franz, Ursula Rucki, Trisha Ebel, Karen FitzPatrick, Phil Harrison, Joe 
Ruffalo, Jack Truehaft, Linda Anderson, Harvey & Linda Levine, Donna Myrick, 
Ruth Williams and Geri Mcginty.
Guests: Ruth Sager & Les Cameron.
3 NFB Pledge
Jennifer Uchanow led the Pledge.
I pledge to participate actively
in the efforts of the National Federation of the Blind.
to achieve equality, opportunity and security for the blind.
To support the policies and programs of the federation
And to abide by its constitution.
4 Secretary’s Report: Linda DeBerardinis
Linda asked if all received the minutes via email.
Motion: Sherry Rollins.
Second: Ada Crandall
There was no discussion
All voted favorably.
5 Treasurer’s Report: Andrew Rees /Jane Degenshein
Andrew is speaking at a function so he will not be able to be on the call.
He submitted his report as follows:
November 2019
Deposits: $335.00, dues and donations from convention
Expense: $15.00 Pac plan
Balance: $1,173.22
December 2019
Deposits: $10.00 Dues
Expense: $15.00 PAC plan
Balance: $1,168.22
Dues of $5 were recently deposited from Ruth Williams, which will appear on 
next months statement.
Motion: Barbara Finan
Second: Marie Sawyer
There was no discussion
All voted favorably.
6 Dues: Jane Degenshein
As of now, we only have a few lapsed payments.
If you did not send in your dues for 2020, kindly get them to Andrew Rees
129 Drake Road
Somerset, NJ 08873
Make your $5 check payable to NFBNJ senior division
memo: 2020 dues
7 Committee Reports: Marie, Ada, and Jennifer
A. Caring Cards and Calls: Marie Sawyer
I spoke with Karen FitzPatrick, who is at home and is doing much better. She 
still has a little way to go, but her spirits are up and she was progressing 
nicely. I also spoke to Renee Frieling, who is doing as well as she can. She 
is going to the Vision Loss Alliance, to keep busy. Renee was also looking 
forward to seeing Cinderella, at the Papermill Playhouse. I spoke with Chris 
Franz. Unfortunately she was getting more numbness in both her hands and 
feet, and was scheduled to go to the neurologist for it. Hopefully they can 
find something to help her. Also I spoke with Pat Bunce who has fractured 
her wrist and was dealing with that. Fortunately she is coming along nicely.
Barbara thanked us all for our card for the passing of her nephew.
Jane informed us Annemarie Cooke & Mary Jo both lost their Mother-in-laws. 
Jane also said Misty lost her Mother; naturally we sent sympathy cards.
Jane said if you know of any members, or anyone close to you who is ill, or 
needs a sympathy card, please let us know.
Joe remarked what a great group of people we are on this call; how we send 
cards and do birthday calls and all. Kudos to Jane and everyone on the call!
B. Birthday Calls: Ada Crandle
Friends, we need your birthdates so if you did not get them in, kindly share 
them now for our list.
During November & December, Ada called Chris Franz, Anne Marie Harris, Marie 
Sawyer, Karen FitzPatrick, Ursula Rucki, Geri Mcginty & Ward Biondi! She 
said I also called Brian Keene many times and finally left him a birthday 
Ursula said she left the nicest birthday message.
C. Senior Corner: Jennifer Uchanow
Jennifer shared the 20 ways that you know you are successful
We will send these out separately.
8 State Convention Review: All
A. Jennifer Uchanow was a first timer and it was incredible! She was sorry 
she couldn't attend more of the workshops. She found the convention to be 
motivating & inspiring and there was a lot to learn and a lot of people to 
B. Sherry Rollins said it made her feel good helping at breakfast. She also 
enjoyed the dancing and the auction.
C. Trisha said from her table in the vendor room, she noticed there were so 
many happy people and all through the weekend, everyone was helping each 
other. There are so many giving & unselfish people.
D. Chris said she enjoyed being a talking sign.
E. Joe said the way we can and do make it a great convention is through the 
support and participation of all our members. We all need to be willing to 
learn, share information and not be afraid of getting to the next level. 
Thanks to all who worked on committees. Thanks to Linda Melendez for being 
Chair of Convention Activities. You have no idea how much work is done 
behind the scenes.
F. Jane said it was great having both the Senior & Technology Divisions be 
the host. Thank you to Joe and Linda M. for guidance.
Announcement: We are one of the two largest Senior Divisions in the country. 
We have moved to the third week so other Senior Divisions can join our call. 
Jane sent our invitation out to the National Senior list serves.
Senior Division Book Club : Jane Degenshein
We have a book club 3 times yearly; February, May & September. Our book club 
will meet next month at 6 PM.
What Rose forgot DB96483
by Nevada Barr. Reading time: 8 hours, 25 minutes.
Read by Kate Burton.
Suspense Fiction
Mystery and Detective Stories
Rose Dennis wakes up only to discover that she's been committed to an 
Alzheimer's unit in a nursing home. Sure that something is very wrong, she 
escapes. When a would-be killer shows up in her house, Rose knows that 
someone is determined to get rid of her. Unrated. Commercial audiobook. 
10. Old/New Business: All
A. The New Jersey NFB Book Club sponsored by the Sports & Recreation 
Division meets quarterly. Their book in January was My Heart is Not Blind. 
It was a wonderful call. This book club is on the Technology line. The next 
NFB Sports & Rec book club will be April 15th.
B. Joe Ruffalo said he called Agnes Allen; it was her 96th Birthday 
Saturday. She was always an avid Braille reader & teacher. Agnes was 
teaching Braille at her bedside in her 90's! For those of you who don't 
know, the affiliate has the Agnes Allen Distinguished Service Award; it is 
awarded to someone not in the NFB who has done something distinguishable 
for, or with the blind community.
C. Jerry Fontenelli was an avid member of our dynamic division since its 
inception. He paid annually $25 and his membership was valid until 2048! In 
lieu of flowers, his family asked all donations go to the NFB. Joe Ruffalo 
stated we will have a Jerry Fontenelli Day for the kids.
I would love consideration of a donation from the Senior Division in memory 
of Jerry Fontenelli, for the Asbury Park Beach Day with the BELL students. 
He loved the kids and the BELL program. That day the kids get their own 
lunch, go on the rides, have ice cream and all kinds of fun!
Cathy Butzler motioned we give $100. Linda Anderson seconded.
The vote was unanimous!
D. Joe Ruffalo told us the liability insurance this year is $1006. This 
covers the state convention, the comedy night, chapter meetings, and all 
events we are all involved in with NFB. I ask a small amount to help with 
the cost please.
Angela motioned to give the state affiliate $50 toward the liability 
insurance. Johanna Baccan seconded. All voted favorably.
E. A note from Patty Chang:
Please send me a 100 to 200 word note telling about how you stay active in 
retirement and what you are active doing or how you are involved in 
mentoring or being mentored. These should be kind of informally chatty. They 
do not need to be polished. Please just send what you can to me offline at
pchang at nfb.org
The deadline for February is 2/1/20 and March is 3/1/20.
Your blurb could tell how the Federation motivates or facilitates what you 
do. Maybe some of what you do is Federation activity. Would love to hear 
from those of you who are active in sports, church, or volunteering too. You 
might talk about your favorite mentoring moment. Sometimes we teach best by 
example or learn best from example.
Thanks so much for your help with this.
Patti Chang, Esquire
Joe asked Jane to save the testimonies. These are the things  we need for 
our website.
F.. From Hadley Resource
Getting the Most From Online Searches
. This month we'll share tips for navigating the web and searching online in 
less time and with less stress.
Date: Tuesday, January 21
Time: 7:00 PM Central Time . 8pm Eastern Time.
How to Join:
Phone: +1- 929- 205 6099.
Meeting ID: 437 585 202.
One tap mobile (for iPhone): +19292056099,,437585202#
G. Joe said Washington Seminar is February 10th this year. We will need your 
help when we return to call & email your Legislators. We will let you know 
when and what to say later. Regarding who goes, we generally ask leaders in 
the NJ affiliate and are striving to get our young people to attend. After 
all, they are our future.
H. Linda Melendez told us the Sports & Rec Division is sponsoring a 2020 
Winter Challenge. You can participate in any one of 3 ways;
1. Learning Braille or just brushing up on your Braille skills.
2. You probably have someone who helps you do something every week. Try 
learning how to do it on your own.
3. Your Health; be realistic about it and improve it.
*You can register through the NFBNJ website.
11 Round the Phone/Brags and Drags
Les Cameron said he missed all of us. There is no accessible transportation 
here. Georgia is boring! There are not as many calls as you have up here in 
Pam Hayes announced a new grandson on December 19th! His name is Charles 
Warren. This is our 3rd. We are very excited.
Sherry Rollins is learning how to make sweaters. She said she already 
crochets pretty well.
Angela Perone announced she is now the facilitator of the Low Vision Group 
of Middlesex County. They meet the first Wednesday of March, May, October 
and December.
Jack Truehaft. Spoke about the regional  Middlesex AARP group. He said they 
have great speakers. Today it was a doctor from AARP.
Joe Ruffalo said save the date of Saturday, March 28th for our Comedy and 
Music Afternoon! The time is 1pm to 5pm. although the price has not been 
firmed up yet, it will be less than last year.
Jane suggested everyone who wants to give their birthdays for our birthday 
call list, should stay on the call after we adjourn.
Ruth Sager announced she was on the call! Jane told us she is the President 
of the National Senior Division! Ruth said the National Senior Retreat will 
be October 18th through the 24th. Jane said Geri Mcginty has gone on the 
National Retreat twice now, but we will talk more about this as it gets 
Ruth Williams thanked Angela Perone, as it was she who told her about the 
senior call. Ruth originally said to Angela she needed a group; Angela said, 
Have I got a group for you!
Donna Myrick said she really needed the NFB, because she was becoming 
stagnant. The National Convention, State Convention & chapter meetings have 
all helped quite a bit, however I feel most comfortable with those I can 
relate to: the NJ Senior Division is it!
Joe said we all have the gift of the Federation,
many of us have shared it, keep sharing it.
Cathy Butzler said if you Google Hadley, all kinds of things come up!
12 Adjournment
motion: Chris Franz
second: Pam Hayes
All voted favorably.
President Jane Degenshein adjourned the meeting at 9:10 PM.
The next meeting will be held on Monday, February 17, 2020 at 8 PM with the 
senior division book club to meet at 6 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda J. DeBerardinis, Secretary
Reviewed by
Jane Degenshein
President Senior Division
Agenda for the senior division meeting on Monday, February 17, 2020
1. Welcoming remarks
2. Roll Call: Linda Deberardinis
3. NFB Pledge
4. Secretary's Report: Linda Deberardinis
5. Treasurer's Report: Andrew Rees
6. Committee Reports: Marie, Ada, and Jennifer
A. Caring Calls and Cards: Marie Sawyer
B. Senior Birthday Calls: Ada Crandle
C. Senior Corner: Jennifer Uchanow
7. National Senior Division Updates: Jane Degenshein
8. Legislative Updates: participants
9. Old/New Business: All
10. Round the phone: All
11. Adjournment
Respectfully submitted,
Jane Degenshein
President Senior Division
Keep Smiling,
Janie Degenshein
Happiness isn't having what you want, but wanting what you already have!
Facilitator of ECHO (Eyes Closed Hearts Open)
state affiliate board member
President of the senior division of the National Federation of the Blind of 
New Jersey
to join the senior list serve:
President of the Technology division of the National federation of the Blind 
of New Jersey
To join the tech div list serve:

NFBNJ Newsline co-ordinator
jdegen16 at comcast.net

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