[nfb-talk] Enough already!

John Heim john at johnheim.net
Sat Dec 11 18:05:59 UTC 2010

Joseph,  I never said that blind people can't be expected to maintain  
their own homes. That is a complete distortion of my comments. I  
suppose its hopeless to try to reason with you but what I said was  
that blind people cannot be expected to replace their own toilets and  
sinks. I doubt that most blind people do their own plumbing. I doubt  
that even most sighted people do those kind of repairs themselves.

That seems like a perfectly reasonable point of view to me. I can't  
see why you're so angry about it. And I have to figure that most of  
the reasonable members of this list are as puzzled as I am.

On Dec 10, 2010, at 7:26 PM, T. Joseph Carter wrote:

> Ray,
> Probably I should’ve continued to do so, as originally was my  
> intent, for that very reason.  Yet I suspect there will be no  
> change, lest it come in the form of removing the “troublemaker” from  
> the list.  I suspect we both know who that’s going to mean.
> The tyranny of the offended minority, demanding the right to be not  
> offended, while at the same time being profoundly offensive.
> Frankly, the thing that finally did it for me was the comment about  
> how blind people cannot really be expected to manage their own basic  
> home maintenance.  Yes, actually, they can!  We hold sighted people  
> responsible for maintaining safe and sanitary living conditions,  
> even if they cannot do the repairs themselves!
> Yet this entitled little whiner thinks a couple of people deserve a  
> pass because they’re blind?  And how dare we, the National  
> Federation of the Blind, argue otherwise?  What greater offense can  
> one give to the membership of an NFB listserv?
> He deserves to be flamed for such statements, and if our dear  
> moderator would stop protecting him from the anger of those he has  
> offended again and again, he surely would be.  Either he’d learn to  
> cope, learn to stop going out of his way to anger pretty much the  
> entire Federation, or he’d go away.  Any of the above is reasonable  
> as far as I’m concerned.
> Y'know, I never really had a problem with Joe Harcz.  The man is  
> willfully offensive to any federationist, and he knows it.  And he  
> can sure dish it out.  But he can take it as well as he can dish it  
> out.  I’ve gone a few rounds with him.  I’ve been forced to accept a  
> couple of his points as valid, and he’s been forced to accept a  
> couple of mine.
> Now, I don’t regret that he was removed from the NFB lists for the  
> good of everyone, but truly I’d rather have him to deal with,  
> because he’s not going to go crying to the moderator every time  
> someone hurts his feelings.  And to my knowledge, nobody was ever  
> threatened with removal from the list for telling Joe Harcz where to  
> stick it.
> Joseph
> On Thu, Dec 09, 2010 at 04:56:07PM -0600, Ray Foret Jr wrote:
>> Josh, I reckon if we could avoid naming names, we might make more  
>> progress here.  This is not a thread which, I think, lends itself  
>> to that.  I'm sure Joseph and I would have named names if we felt  
>> it necessary.  That's why I have not and will not do so now.
>> Sincerely,
>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>> Skype Name:
>> barefootedray
>> On Dec 9, 2010, at 4:45 PM, Joshua Lester wrote:
>>> Hi, My teacher in High School did show me different ways to fold my
>>> money, and that's what I do. You and I can discuss this in another
>>> thread. I have something to say on the topic of this thread as well.
>>> I've noticed how us conservatives on this thread are being  
>>> attacked by
>>> the liberals here. Gloria, you, Ms. Judy, and others have been
>>> attacked because we disagreed with the little implanted chips  
>>> given to
>>> visually impaired people. That's just one of those instances you  
>>> were
>>> referring to. Blessings, Joshua
>>> On 12/9/10, Ray Foret Jr <rforetjr at att.net> wrote:
>>>> Well, Josh, my answer to you would not be the  Ibill; instead,  
>>>> I'd advise
>>>> you to just save your money and fold it different ways.  Myself,  
>>>> I'd love to
>>>> have the Ibill.
>>>> Back to the topic though.
>>>> I felt a need to come on here and publically support Joseph  
>>>> because, as
>>>> usual, I can't stand to see a friend stand alone on an issue;  
>>>> especially
>>>> when I feel he or she is right.
>>>> This is one such case.
>>>> Sincerely,
>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>> Skype Name:
>>>> barefootedray
>>>> On Dec 9, 2010, at 4:28 PM, Joshua Lester wrote:
>>>>> Ray, I agree with you wholeheartedly, although, I disagree with  
>>>>> the
>>>>> NFB's stance on accessible currency for the blind. The argument  
>>>>> I get
>>>>> from most NFB members is, "well, get the I-Bill," but they don't
>>>>> understand is that it's too expensive for some of us, like  
>>>>> myself who
>>>>> are going to college, and having to pay for that. $99 for a little
>>>>> gadget is too much. If they'll lower the price at the next  
>>>>> convention
>>>>> that I'll be able to attend, (2012 in Dallas,) I'll buy the I- 
>>>>> Bill.
>>>>> But until then, accessible currency is the way to go, (just my  
>>>>> humble
>>>>> oppinion.) Blessings, Joshua
>>>>> On 12/9/10, Ray Foret Jr <rforetjr at att.net> wrote:
>>>>>> David, I must agree with Joseph on this point.  I will speak  
>>>>>> frankly
>>>>>> here.
>>>>>> Why do you tolerate vicious attacks on not only the NFB but on  
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> members
>>>>>> of this list who hold with that way of thinking, not just  
>>>>>> because some
>>>>>> federation leader says so, but because of their own personal  
>>>>>> experience?
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> understand wanting to tolerate healthy and open and honest  
>>>>>> discussion;
>>>>>> but
>>>>>> David, there are some individuals, (I'm not going to name names  
>>>>>> because I
>>>>>> believe you know who they are if you have been truly reading  
>>>>>> the posts
>>>>>> here), who have violently attacked not only me but others who  
>>>>>> think as I
>>>>>> do.
>>>>>> I have had enough; and, so, I dare say, have those who hold  
>>>>>> with me.  I'm
>>>>>> not giving out the names of these attackers because I don't  
>>>>>> feel the need
>>>>>> to
>>>>>> sink this list in to that mire.  If a person honestly does not  
>>>>>> know the
>>>>>> answer to the reason why an independent blind person says or  
>>>>>> thinks or
>>>>>> does
>>>>>> something, of course, it goes without  saying that they should  
>>>>>> feel more
>>>>>> than free to ask.  But Dave, I think we both know that this is  
>>>>>> not what
>>>>>> Joseph and I are talking about here.  Honest ignorance is one  
>>>>>> thing.
>>>>>> Attacks are another.  I will not claim to be totally guiltless  
>>>>>> myself in
>>>>>> this regard, and so, indeed, I may not be.  However, this has  
>>>>>> truly gone
>>>>>> on
>>>>>> quite long enough.  I'm writing this as an open response so  
>>>>>> that everyone
>>>>>> may know just exactly how I feel.  Mind you, I can't speak for  
>>>>>> others
>>>>>> here
>>>>>> directly, (only they can and must), but, I think I know some  
>>>>>> others here
>>>>>> well enough to be able to make a fairly good guess at how they  
>>>>>> feel.
>>>>>> This
>>>>>> is supposed to be a list where ideas can be freely shared, and,  
>>>>>> sans the
>>>>>> personal attacks, (which have become more and more of late), it  
>>>>>> is.  But,
>>>>>> I
>>>>>> too have noticed that those who defend the NFB positions on  
>>>>>> certain
>>>>>> matters
>>>>>> are threatened and the attackers defended.  Why is this?   
>>>>>> Surely, you
>>>>>> must
>>>>>> know what I'm talking about?  I believe you do.  Tolerance is, in
>>>>>> general,
>>>>>> good, but, there comes a time when enough is enough.  It would  
>>>>>> appear
>>>>>> that,
>>>>>> (at least with respect to Joseph and myself), our patience has  
>>>>>> about
>>>>>> reached
>>>>>> it's end.
>>>>>> Sincerely,
>>>>>> The Constantly Barefooted Ray!!!
>>>>>> Now A Very Proud and very happy Mac user!!!
>>>>>> Skype Name:
>>>>>> barefootedray
>>>>>> On Dec 9, 2010, at 2:05 PM, T. Joseph Carter wrote:
>>>>>>> David,
>>>>>>> Have you noticed the trend of discussions on this list over  
>>>>>>> the past
>>>>>>> couple of years or so?  I have, and I’ve double-checked the  
>>>>>>> archives to
>>>>>>> be
>>>>>>> sure I wasn’t reading something into it.  The pattern is that  
>>>>>>> every
>>>>>>> large
>>>>>>> discussion seems to involve one group of people arguing for  
>>>>>>> the ability
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the blind, for the NFB, its policies, and its mission.  The  
>>>>>>> other side
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> the discussion is generally one person.
>>>>>>> The pattern of the discussion is that the individual says  
>>>>>>> something
>>>>>>> incendiary against one of the above, something I have a hard  
>>>>>>> time
>>>>>>> accepting is unintentional at this point.  The group reacts,  
>>>>>>> some with
>>>>>>> distaste, some with disagreement, and some with anger.  This  
>>>>>>> last group
>>>>>>> has taken the bait, if you will.
>>>>>>> This is where you come in, because inevitably the individual  
>>>>>>> insists
>>>>>>> that
>>>>>>> he is “offended” and “baselessly attacked” for his views.  You  
>>>>>>> defend
>>>>>>> him,
>>>>>>> going so far as to threaten to ban longtime regulars and well- 
>>>>>>> respected
>>>>>>> federationists.  The individual takes this as a sign that he  
>>>>>>> may stand
>>>>>>> behind you, and continue to insult not only us few here, but  
>>>>>>> everything
>>>>>>> this organization stands for.
>>>>>>> The fact that there is not a single person on this list that  
>>>>>>> does not
>>>>>>> know
>>>>>>> of whom I speak is evidence in and of itself.  It’s really got  
>>>>>>> to stop.
>>>>>>> Those who would not be flamed should not make a habit of  
>>>>>>> setting fires.
>>>>>>> Having set a few myself over the years, it comes with the  
>>>>>>> territory.
>>>>>>> Joseph
>>>>>>> On Wed, Dec 08, 2010 at 10:19:24PM -0600, David Andrews wrote:
>>>>>>>> This is a personal attack and is totally unacceptable.  You can
>>>>>>>> disagree
>>>>>>>> with someone -- but please stick to facts, not speculation etc.
>>>>>>>> David Andrews, Moderator
>>>>>>>> At 03:09 PM 12/6/2010, you wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I agree Gloria.  He is a very shallow person, and I don't  
>>>>>>>>> care of his
>>>>>>>>> $250,000 house is paid off or not.  He could rip off Bernie  
>>>>>>>>> Madoff,
>>>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>>>> biggest cheat in the world, and he wouldn't impress me..smile.
>>>>>>>>> Connie Canode
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