[NFBA-Phoenix] Accessible Job Board

Tanner Gers creativesuccess at cox.net
Fri Jan 13 07:33:24 UTC 2017

What is going down Federationists?!


Hope everyone is doing stupendous. Me? Well. Thanks for asking.


This year is off to a great start. I've been doing my daily practice ( daily
journal ), which has allowed me to do one of the most enjoyable things.

You can see what's popping with that over at TannerGers.com/Daily


I've submitted my first book proposal for a book that I'm going to
traditionally publish. (Stay on the lookout for a sample piece in the next
affiliate newsletter )

I'm headed to California to defend my national title in track cycling, where
I hope to also be nominated to the US national team, and World Championship
team (World's are in March and also in California! )

I'll be in Washington Seminar after that.


And, I'm now in school full-time.


The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is
right now.


I hope this email will begin to bring you some better, gainfully employed
times as well, because, just as the subject title says.

I'm dropping the Linkages Experience, 100% accessible job board on ya!


Many of the companies you'll find in your search have paid to be there, so
don't be shy.

If you find a job you like, or a company you'd like to apply with.

Create your profile and start submitting those applications.

The profile process can be long, but you only need to set that up once.
After that.


It's nothing but click, click, submit.


Easy peasy.


So, if you know someone who's blind, visually impaired, or within the
disability community.

Do them a favor and share this link with them!

They'll thank you later for it.

Ok, enough yammering. Here's the link.



Your Partner in Employment



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