[NFBC-Info] FYI YLF 2020 Student Application

mike at michaelhingson.com mike at michaelhingson.com
Mon Nov 4 20:10:15 UTC 2019

All, especially students,


The following and attached may be of interest. 



Best Regards,



Michael Hingson


The Michael Hingson Group, INC.

"Speaking with Vision"

Michael Hingson, President

(415) 827-4084

info at michaelhingson.com

To order Michael Hingson's new book, Running With Roselle, and check on
Michael Hingson's speaking availability for your next event please visit:



To purchase your own portrait of Roselle painted by the world's foremost
animal artist, Ron Burns, please visit http://www.ronburns.com/roselle


From: Xavier, Joe at DOR 
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 5:16 AM
To: Xavier, Joe at DOR <Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov <mailto:Joe.Xavier at dor.ca.gov> >
Subject: YLF 2020 Student Application 







CCEPD Members,


The California Committee on Employment of People with Disabilities (CCEPD)
is now accepting applications from students to participate in the 2020 Youth
Leadership Forum for Students with Disabilities (YLF) and would appreciate
your assistance with outreach to students to apply.


YLF is a five- or six-day summer self-advocacy and leadership development
program for students with disabilities. The 2020 YLF will take place
(tentatively) on July 12 -17 at California State University, Sacramento.
There is no program or travel cost for parents to pay. All selected
delegate's expenses are sponsored through a public-private partnership.


Students must complete an application, write an essay and provide letters of
recommendations. Students will also be interviewed by a team in their local
communities. This is a competitive process and not all students will be
selected. YLF applications must be completed electronically and emailed to
ylf at dor.ca.gov <mailto:ylf at dor.ca.gov> . The deadline to apply is December
6, 2019.


The 2020 application and related documents, including an outreach flyer, can
be found at https://www.dor.ca.gov/Home/YLF   Please provide this
information to any organizations and contacts you have that work with youth
to help us get a diverse and qualified group of applicants.


For other questions, please call the CCEPD office at 855-894-3436 or email
us at YLF at dor.ca.gov <mailto:YLF at dor.ca.gov> .





Margaret Balistreri

 <mailto:Margaret.balistreri at dor.ca.gov> Margaret.balistreri at dor.ca.gov




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