[nfbcs] Seeking tips on advocating for an app to be more accessible

Deborah Armstrong armstrongdeborah at fhda.edu
Fri Feb 3 15:53:09 UTC 2017

I have discovered an absolutely wonderful iOS app that is only minimally accessible.

I've posted everything on Applevis:

The app lets your friends track your location in realtime. This is a wonderful idea if you are meeting up withsighted people in a location that is unfamiliar to you. It's also great if you ride paratransit because your family knows where you are, even if you don't!

Though location services are built in to iOS, if your friends are on Android or at work with only a web browser,  they can't take advantage of this ability to locate you.

Though I've programmed in Windows and DOS off and on for thirty years, I know absolutely nothing about developing iOS apps.

What should I read so I can communicate more effectively with developers? I don't want to read hundreds of pages on this subject; but I do want to study enough so I sound informed and can give them effective tips.



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