[nfbcs] PayPal Buttons

Louis Maher ljmaher at swbell.net
Wed Jan 25 20:12:08 UTC 2017


In Houston, we would like to add PayPal buttons to our web site to collect
money for three purposes.  I know that in PayPal, you can generate the code
for PayPal buttons using their Button formatter.  They have several types of

Our first purpose is to collect money for donations.  This is easy because
PayPal has a donation button.

The second money purpose is to pay chapter dues--$5 per person per year.  I
am less clear what kind of button can accomplish that.  We could set up a
second donation button for this purpose; however, strictly speaking, these
are not donations.

The third money purpose is to collect money for our annual candy sale.
Chapter members volunteer to sell candy for the chapter.  We distribute the
candy in chapter meetings, and the chapter members bring the money back to
us in chapter meetings.  I would like to set up a PayPal button for this.  I
am not sure which kind of button would be best for this.  We do not sell
candy on the website, we just want to collect money.

Has anyone played with the PayPal.me link method of collecting funds?

Any advice would be appreciated.

Louis Maher
ljmaher at swbell.net

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