[Nfbf-l] Florida Emergency Needs Survey

TaraPrakash taraprakash at gmail.com
Fri Jan 28 01:19:49 UTC 2011

Hi all. Please have a good look at this. 
----- Original Message ----- 
From: Mandy Pinto 
To: 61nasa79 at gmail.com ; adamlong7 at gmail.com ; admin at graysonpeddie.com ; ahuffman6 at gmail.com ; Akmiotek at cfl.rr.com ; alexd329 at aol.com ; alliekat92602 at yahoo.com ; amcgruder at atlas.valenciacc.edu ; Ammonite033 at yahoo.com ; ANCIENTECHO at cfl.rr.com ; Angeleta_64 at yahoo.com ; angelynenowell at yahoo.com ; Atomzane at gmail.com ; austingrace134 at hotmail.com ; avoa10 at gmail.com ; bill at intrinsicgolf.com ; black25k1 at aol.com ; brandy.carr1207 at gmail.com ; brea_hector at yahoo.com ; brittney_eady at yahoo.com ; bugman4 at bellsouth.net ; Butryfly39 at aol.com ; caddraftone at yahoo.com ; capp5101 at cfl.rr.com ; carlos41 at cfl.rr.com ; caterinazorrilla at yahoo.com ; chan7878 at att.net ; chrisdavisonline at gmail.com ; circlepj at yahoo.com ; claviet at gmail.com ; cleosanborn at aol.com ; CMASSON at OPTONLINE.NET ; coloniv at hotmail.com ; connieafg at yahoo.com ; crazycowsmoo at hotmail.com ; cscare7 at yahoo.com ; ctrpnp1 at ocnjcc.org ; cviera359 at yahoo.com ; Dancechainalyfe at hotmail.com ; Dechant at aol.com ; devinel2000 at aol.com ; Dinosaur_Websurfer at yahoo.com ; doglover4ever1970 at yahoo.com ; Donna_Barras at wgresorts.com ; donstout55 at msn.com ; dotswritebrl at aol.com ; dragoonmaster010 at aol.com ; epatmarp at embarqmail.com ; eramosorlando at aol.com ; Erica_Tello at yahoo.com ; eugeneclout at yahoo.com ; firedancer08 at gmail.com ; flmom2006 at gmail.com ; fobfan316 at yahoo.com ; fredholmes at fredholmes.info ; gabymc88 at yahoo.com ; geraldineallen48 at gmail.com ; Gordncpez at embarqmail.com ; gwrangler777W at gmail.com ; Helen.Peraza at yahoo.com ; hopes8fl at aol.com ; ingrid12476 at yahoo.com ; irisrivera at earthlink.net ; isabeloay at yahoo.com ; Ismael.Gonzalez at hilton.com ; Ivypaige at cfl.rr.com ; jabmwblong at gmail.com ; jah407 at yahoo.com ; james_gangle at yahoo.com ; jason1407 at cfl.rr.com ; jaznercommunications at yahoo.com ; jdw112 at bellsouth.net ; jethly at bellsouth.net ; jimcopro at gmail.com ; jlucien at mail.usf.edu ; Jmerritt6 at cfl.rr.com ; jmrdurham at gmail.com ; jnaiman at bellsouth.net ; joe.bojanowski at att.com ; joedear490 at yahoo.com ; Joey at westonj.com ; jonathantbarrett at gmail.com ; juanpisjaws at gmail.com ; justinmccullough650 at gmail.com ; k.truelove at hotmail.com ; kbentley at funbowlingtees.com ; kelly.je12 at live.com ; kimberly52189 at gmail.com ; KParker007 at cfl.rr.com ; kristian.delrio at gmail.com ; Kristina.Cox at compast.net ; lawmutt55 at aol.com ; LBRobin at bellsouth.net ; lilolcricketbug at yahoo.com ; link_iluvatar at hotmail.com ; lisiherrera at hotmail.com ; lmace5 at hotmail.com ; lmr81 at netzero.net ; lrodgerskeith789 at gmail.com ; mad4horses at cfl.rr.com ; marisolfl85 at aol.com ; markanthony323 at yahoo.com ; marsha.reznor at gmail.com ; maxines2008 at hotmail.com ; mbeaufait at hlramerica.com ; Mervin at mlaptop.com ; mfruzia at yahoo.com ; mhniceguy at gmail.com ; mikej5361 at yahoo.com ; mitchellh_28 at yahoo.com ; mmimcd at att.net ; mrsyvettelogan at aol.com ; msdaleafo at yahoo.com ; msdaleafo at yahoo.com ; mstacinator at gmail.com ; msthomas51 at bellsouth.net ; munawarb at gmail.com ; nlopez26 at cfl.rr.com ; notlockeddown_88 at yahoo.com ; OMAHTG at aol.com ; onikoga at gmail.com ; paigek331 at yahoo.com ; paulette.gordonwilliams at gmail.com ; paulettegeller at aol.com ; phichta at ardrana.net ; Pinkspider1102 at hotmail.com ; Pinky1225 at cfl.rr.com ; pow6681 at gmail.com ; queencezzy at yahoo.com ; rafaela62 at embarkmail.com ; RandyLaMonda at cfl.rr.com ; raymondebutler at hotmail.com ; rcru at osceola.org ; redroosterroberts1 at gmail.com ; redrosegrl87 at yahoo.com ; rgmlaw09 at gmail.com ; rickeldred at gmail.com ; rijos_ld at bellsouth.net ; roderickthomas29 at yahoo.com ; romeetc at hotmail.com ; rosana_pinero at yahoo.com ; rramos78 at cfl.rr.com ; rshwilson at yahoo.com ; Rsoby32947 at aol.com ; rvp2413 at embarqmail.com ; rwcass7 at earthlink.net ; rzilmary at yahoo.com ; safehaven at grandave.org ; sayoung125 at cfl.rr.com ; sgt.torres215 at yahoo.com ; shamu20200 at yahoo.com ; sharon-37 at hotmail.com ; shawnjaweed at msn.com ; sunasia at live.com ; sweetestsin at cfl.rr.com ; sylviapaye at yahoo.com ; T1iFF at aol.com ; TaraBooska at yahoo.com ; tcoope12 at fau.edu ; thelifekeeper at gmail.com ; tinydancer131 at aol.com ; tmirus at aol.com ; tomipratt at bellsouth.net ; ttripath at mail.ucf.edu ; tuffshindave at aol.com ; Tully90 at bellsouth.net ; vbeatty1 at cfl.rr.com ; vivacolombia77 at yahoo.com ; vpadro at yahoo.com ; wa2jlo1 at aol.com ; White5081 at Bellsouth.net ; zsomji at cfl.rr.com 
Sent: Thursday, January 27, 2011 2:26 PM
Subject: Emergency Needs Survey

Hello all,



The Governor's Commission on Disabilities is conducting a survey to understand the needs of Floridians with vision and hearing disabilities in emergencies. If you have a vision or hearing disability, please visit




to complete a 5 minute survey about your preferences. All responses are anonymous and will be combined into a report that will be used to make recommendations to state emergency planners.  


Thank you for your consideration. Please share this link with anyone who may be interested in participating.  If you have further questions or need assistance in completing the survey, please contact Stacia Woolverton at (voice) (850) 487-3423 or toll free (voice or TTY) at (877) 232-4968 or by email at Stacia.Woolverton at dms.myflorida.com




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