[Nfbf-l] Blind Knowing what Printed Letters look like very important!

Alan Dicey adicey at bellsouth.net
Thu May 8 00:46:43 UTC 2014

Dear NFB Friends,

Please see my friend's response after mine.

She works for a  Division of Blind Services for one of the States.

- - -

Dear Neva,

Thank you kindly for your response.

I did not know it was common, but as I said, this very highly educated lady 
friend of mine, actually said she was taught, but as a child, she did not 
quite grasp the training, and as an adult, surely did not remember the 
little training she did receive so long ago.

You would of course know much better than myself, how common it was, working 
with the Blind.

I worked for 12 years for Easter Seals, and was very much involved with 
Physically and Psychologically Disabled people, but we never had any 
contracts with the Division of Blind Services, which in Florida is under the 
Department of Education. We mostly had contracts with the State of Florida 
Vocational Rehabbilitation Services.

I hope today they do teach Blind Children what "Printed Letters" look like.

But how can they then remember all the way into Adulthood???

Thanks again.

With Best Regards,

God Bless,


Plantation, Florida

 ----- Original Message ----- 

From: "Neva
To: "'Alan Dicey'" <adicey at bellsouth.net>
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2014 8:04 PM
Subject: RE: Braille, But how many Blind People know what "Printed Letters" 
look like?

It is very common and is problematic for many. How do you understand a T
intersection if you don't know what a T looks like? How can someone explain
an L shaped house, or a path that makes a Y?

Best Regards,

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