[Nfbf-l] Judy Hamilton

kroskos at cox.net kroskos at cox.net
Thu Sep 27 23:09:49 UTC 2018

Fellow federationists,

     I have been asked to make an announcement to the members of the Florida affiliate. Sadly, Judy Hamilton, president of the Gainesville chapter, was in an unfortunate accident yesterday afternoon. She was hit by a car in a parking lot area. Her ankle was run over and pinned by the tire of the vehicle, and she broke her left elbow, further complicating her abilities because she is left-handed. She was released from the hospital yesterday evening and is recovering at home. She asked that I inform the membership of this incident. We, the members of the Gainesville chapter have offered Judy our thoughts, prayers and assistance in any way she might need.  We value her so much as the leader of our group, as well as considering her a loyal and treasured friend. 

     ``Please keep Judy in your thoughts and prayers and join us in wishing her a full and speedy recovery. 

Kathy Roskos, Lice-president 
Gainesville chapter       

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