[Nfbf-l] Judy Hamilton

kroskos at cox.net kroskos at cox.net
Thu Sep 27 03:36:33 UTC 2018

Hello fellow federationists, 

     I am sad to announce that Judy Hamilton, president of the Gainesville Chapter has been in an unfortunate accident. She was struck by a car this afternoon while crossing a parking lot area. She broke her elbow on her left arm, (unfortunately, she is left-handed), and had her ankle run over and pinned under the tire of the vehicle. She has been released from the hospital and is recovering at home. We at the Gainesville chapter are sending her our thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery.  We value Judy’s leadership so much in our chapter and her loyalty and  friendship to all of us.  She asked me to let everyone know about her situation.  We, as members of this chapter will offer her all of our assistance in anything she needs, both personally and as our president. Please join us in wishing Judy a speedy and full recovery, and let her know we are all thinking of her. 

Kathy Roskos 
Vice-president, Gainesville chapter     

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