[nfbmi-talk] not very accurate in my opinion

joe harcz Comcast joeharcz at comcast.net
Mon Jul 18 19:31:43 UTC 2011




201 N. Washington Square

Victor Center Building

2nd Floor Large Conference Room

Lansing, MI

June 23, 2011

9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

VIA Conference Call



Ms. Jo Ann Pilarski, Chair               Mr. Larry Posont

Ms. Lydia Schuck


Mr. John Scott


Mr. Pat Cannon                                Ms. Sue Luzenski

Mr. Leamon Jones


Mr. Joe Harcz                                  Mr. Joe Sontag


          Chair Pilarski called the special meeting to order at 9:10 a.m. Roll call was taken and a quorum was present.


          Chair Pilarski began by recapping a phone meeting she had with Mr. Charles Sadler of the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA).  She reported
that, per Mr. Sadler, the Board is a policy making Board, the State Plan is a blueprint for how the Commission will operate each year, states vary in how
the State Plan is approved from year to year and he stated that public hearings do not need to be held every year but when substantive changes are made
to the Plan and Board members do not need to be at those hearings.  She added that Mr. Sadler stated, in his opinion, that the Board could have a vital
role in the development and approval of the State Plan and that there was nothing prescriptive in the current MCB Board Organization and By-Laws about
how the Plan is developed.  Chair Pilarski shared that Mr. Sadler charged the Chair with having a conversation with the Agency about the level of input
the Board will have in the future.  She also said that Mr. Sadler stated the Agency shouldn’t have any problem sharing the public comments made at the
scheduled hearings, that the State Agency would consult with the Board, and the Board’s role is constructive input, meaning the Board cannot sidestep or
overrule organizational procedures, functioning within the vision and values of the Agency.

          Chair Pilarski continued that Mr. Sadler stated that the Agency and the Board need to work productively together in a constructive way and the
Board cannot prescribe what leadership does not endorse.

          Commissioner Posont questioned the timetable given for the Board to go through and discuss the State Plan.

          Commissioner Schuck stated that she doesn’t see any problem with the Plan and what is in it.  She also asked Mr. Leamon Jones to highlight what
changes have been made to this Plan.

          Mr. Leamon Jones, Consumer Services Director reported that the primary difference is there is an emphasis on improving employment outcomes.  Mr.
Jones gave an overview of the steps taken to develop the Plan, what drives this development and the instruction and guidance which comes from RSA.  Mr.
Jones explained that each year the following are factors taken into consideration in the development of the State Plan:

·        RSA sends out changes in the guidelines and goals;

·        Each year goals or objectives are created as a result of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA);

·        Employment Outcome measures are another factor;

·        How staff is working with schools and transition;

·        Agreements developed with community partners, Community Mental Health and the Veterans Administration;

There was discussion about the Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) which has allowed staff to travel out of state to learn about new employment information
and new ideas about working with clients with various disabilities.

Commissioner Schuck asked about what programs, beyond Newsline, were being explored for expenditure of the Innovation and Expansion Grant.   Director Cannon
responded that services such as Newsline and Radio Reading Services could be supported as the category “Services to Groups” rather than an Innovation and
Expansion Grant.

Mr. Jones was asked to brief the Commissioners about the two hearings that had already taken place.  He reported that at the Grand Rapids hearing three
people attended:  two news reporters and one person from Radio Reading Services Grand Rapids office.  None of these attendees had comments.  He advised
that Escanaba had one attendee, a visually impaired person who expressed interest in her work and the Commission, she was interested in what was going
on but had no specific questions about the State Plan.  The third and final hearing will be held in Detroit later in the afternoon.

Commissioner Posont stated that he would be at the meeting in Detroit and although he had a current list of questions about the State Plan, there was not
given enough time to read through the whole Plan and be properly prepared for this special meeting today.  He declined to present his questions at this
time and asked for 30 more days. Director Cannon responded that 30 more days is not an option as RSA has a deadline of July 1 for receiving the State Plan
from the Agency.  Director Cannon also informed Commissioners that he had asked Mr. Sadler from RSA for a two week extension and was denied a two week
extension.  But Mr. Sadler agreed to a one week extension if necessary.

Commissioner Schuck stated that complying with the July 1st date shouldn’t be a problem as there seem to be no major changes in the document and the objective
today wasn’t to pass the State Plan it was to discuss it.  She added that although next year’s Plan could be done differently, it would be counter-productive
to hold up this year’s Plan.

Mr. Jones identified the steps the Agency and RSA go through after the Plan is submitted and before it is ultimately approved by RSA.  Director Cannon noted
that after the Plan submission there is a tremendous amount of dialogue and scrutiny between staff and RSA.  Commissioners requested a short monthly summary
of the contact made regarding the State Plan during this time period.

Director Cannon asked if Commissioners had questions about the content of the State Plan.  There was discussion about the process of making amendments to
the Plan and the Agency utilizing innovative ideas from other states.  Mr. Jones also offered clarification on specific questions in sections of the State
Plan including case closures, standards and indicators and transition services.

          Commissioner Schuck asked that Commissioners receive the rough transcript and final summary of all comments made on the State Plan that will be
submitted to RSA.

          Commissioner Posont asked Director Cannon again about possibly filing a 30 day extension for filing of the State Plan with RSA.  Director Cannon
re-stated that Mr. Sadler offered July 8 as the only alternate date for an extension.  Mr. Jones added that there could be ramifications for funding if
there is no approved State Plan by October 1.

Schuck moved that the board support the DIRECTOR’S submission of the FY 2012 State plan to RSA by july 1 with Leamon’s summary of compiled public comment;
Pilarski seconded.

          Discussion:             There was no discussion.

Roll call:      Pilarski and Schuck aye;

Posont nay

The motion passed.

SCHUCK MoveD that Leamon submit to Commissioners all of the raw public comment and his summary that will be submitted to RSA; seconded by Posont.

            Discussion:             There was no discussion.

THE MOTION  passed unanimously.

          Chair Pilarski asked that Mr. Jones submit a timeline on all the deadlines that need to be met for submitting the FY 2013 State Plan.


          Mr. Joe Harcz commented on several items including there being no documentation to base these decisions on.  He stated that Commissioner Posont
received a copy of the Comprehensive Needs Assessment (CNA) but asked others, who had received the Standards and Indicators or other financial information.
 He went on to say that the neither the Board nor the public receives timely information and the public hearings were not announced in a timely fashion
nor held in accessible locations.  Mr. Harcz announced that there won’t be a Commission and the RSA monitoring report hasn’t even been completed.  He reported
that the Michigan Rehabilitation Council (MRC) had a mystery shopper to contact offices to gather information on how people are being informed.  He added
that his State Plan comments will be going to RSA, Deputy Director Arwood and the Office of Civil Rights, Department of Education as systemic complaints
about the Agency not being accessible to the blind.  Mr. Harcz finished by stating that accessible, timely, detailed information continues to be a longstanding

          Mr. Joe Sontag stated that he would have preferred that an extension be taken to allow more time for Board discussion, he understood the position
of the Board and looked forward to a more streamlined, consumer engaged process for the FY 2013 State Plan submission.  He added that the actions of the
past Boards in no way means that the process needs to remain the same and he is pleased with the more active approach of this Board and its true role when
it comes to the oversight and operation of the Commission for the Blind.  Mr. Sontag finished by stating that when Commissioner Posont made the comment
that he and two others worked on going through the State Plan, there was only one Commissioner involved and he was one of the others that worked with him.




The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 a.m.


Jo Ann Pilarski, Chair


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