[nfbmi-talk] Fw: MCB/MRS

Larry Posont president.nfb.mi at gmail.com
Wed Jun 22 10:18:00 UTC 2011

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jo Ann Pilarski" <pilarskij at charter.net>
To: "JOHN SCOTT" <jcscot at sbcglobal.net>; "Joe Sibley" <joe.sibley at comcast.net>; "Larry Posont" <president.nfb.mi. at gmail.com>; 
<laschuck at juno.com>
Sent: Monday, June 20, 2011 2:59 PM
Subject: MCB/MRS

Hello Commissioners and Joe,
First, I am including Joe as MCBVI President, and
I would include Larry if he were not already
serving as a commisisoner.

About the MCB/MRS Project:

My observations about a suggested projection date
of October 1:

I think it makes sense that a suggestion I heard
today of October 1 being a date for merging
decision  makes sense, in alignment with fiscal
budgets.  Know that I DO NOT AGREE with the idea
of merging, but I can see where the Department
might be looking at an Oct. 1 date in line with
fiscal issues.

I do not believe that MRS Board just sat down one
day and decided to see if they could force us into
their agency.

Mr Arwood is working hard to learn our agency and
is a hands-on type manager, and is the person who
is making decisions in several areas.

- all department meetings, I am told, are being
videotaped, with our meeting being the first

I am going to suggest that our Agency may be being
looked at in an unfavorable light for several

- the litigations you know about, the
   500,000 one not being MCB's fault
    in any way, shape or form, in my
    opinion. LARA forced that settlement, which
now sets a
precedent for our blind operators
being seen as "employees" of MCB. Not a good
precedent to set.  Pat did not agree with that,
but it was out of his hands.  At least LARA paid
60 per cent of that amount.

- recent firings and arbitrations with
personnel and the additional costs that will

- all of the BEP issues and cases.

- tons of negative publicity with people
protesting, which is our right, about Pat and the
Agency, but it is still drawing plenty of

- people going way beyond public comment by
yelling out all kinds of
negative comments during our Board meetings, and
people are watching us.

- my not controlling the public during
meetings.  I will say here that I feel that the
more I say the worse it will get, which Lydia
affirmed in our meting.  I will also say that
always looming in my mind is that if someone is
forced to leave, there will be another  big show,
which will bring negative attention to our
Commission, when I believe we are being watched.
I know in my heart that I am about consumers, and
at the same time I think that we in the blind
community need to agree on ways of communication
that will show us in the best light possible. I
hope that each consumer organization will please
speak to membership about the fact that folks can
speak during public comment, but should allow the
board and speakers to carry out  responsibilities
without interjecting.  During the time when
presenters are speaking and we are conducting our
meeting, the public is there to observe, and that
is a part of OMA.

- i think we are already being held in disfavor
with the AG's office, which is why I didn't really
want to go there right now.  If they won't even
come to our meetings, I think they are fed up with
us. That is definitely not good, and we do have an
issue, but I don't think  right at this  moment is
the time to go there if we are already under

- as board members, as our by-laws suggest, we
need to make our points with civility and respect.
I am speaking to myself here, as I get totally
frustrated with some of the BEP issues, and  the
crowd constantly interjecting,

I guess we have to ask ourselves whether the
Agency is important to us.  I realize there is
room for improvement, for sure, but I also know
that up here where I live, all around the UP and
northern Michigan, I have talked with many people
who have
a) either not known there was a commission  and/or
b) have been served well by
MCB.  That  positive experience includes mine.

These are my own observations, and I hope that I
have not offended anyone, as that has not been my

BTW,  I left a message for Craig McManus and am
waiting for him to return my call, regarding State

I have also asked Sue to dig up that memo from the
AG's ofice regarding PA 260.  I don't remember it,
nor does Geri or Michael, but sue probably has it.

Finally, I didn't report at our meeting that I've
been in on many EOC meetings, but know that the
content will arrive at the Board anyway.

I did attend the Planning and quality Meeting last
week.  Action Plan items  and progress on them are
always discussed.  People can always add in items
to that list, so suggest Consumers use that
vehicle as well.  Each group has representatives.

One question and item I wanted improved was the
item which states that we want to know how to best
integrate consumers into our discussions and
processes.  I heard a large list of opportunities,
but explained that what I was seeking with that
item was not how we feel we are doing, but how
consumers feel about what we are doing.  I will be
made a part of a group which will discuss ways to
implement surveys or other vehicles by which we
can ascertain that information.


Jo Ann

P.S.    You should have the notice of our meeting
today.  If Pat, James, Sheila and Greg can work
out a resolution to the Stelmach situation
quickly, I am asking that the agenda be amended to
include that issue as well.  I am reallypushing
for resolution to that matter.

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