[Nfbofnc] , blind Readers Can Access eText for Less than the Cost of an Evening

Tim Jones tmjnc2 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 8 16:08:39 UTC 2012

Now, blind Readers Can Access eText for Less than the Cost of an Evening

Out ****

In the age of technology, when most people turn to the Internet for
information, and a laptop is practically a necessity in the workplace or at
school, the e-book is rapidly becoming as common and important to daily
life as its paper-bound counterpart. Access to printed information for the
Blind is more important now than ever, and though there is a variety of
software available to make electronic books and documents accessible, it
either comes complete with a price only few could afford without assistance
from a school or rehab agency, or does not allow the reader to open even a

minority of the various eText formats.****

Christopher Toth, a blind software developer, aims to change that with
QRead, the first e-reader for the blind that is affordable even to the

average college student. ****

QRead is a program that provides blind users with fast and efficient
screen-reader access to most common e-book formats, including both PDF, the
industry standard for textbooks, ePub, a format popular for technical
titles and fiction as well as many others. Users can open and tab between
an unlimited number of books, place an unlimited number of bookmarks, and
return to their current place in each book even after a session has ended.
QRead offers the ability to read continuously, “skim” through a text by

percentage, and even search for specific passages with its “Find” feature.**

QRead interfaces directly with all major screen reading software, including
JAWS for Windows, Window-Eyes, Super Nova, System Access, and the free and

open source NVDA.****

The program goes on sale today for an introductory price of $20, and is
expected to retail for $30. Its nearest competitors are available for

upwards of $80.****

Mr. Toth says his software offers a unique benefit in addition to


“Historically, access to PDF, ePub and other eText formats has been
cumbersome, difficult or even impossible. I invented QRead to fix this, and
in the process have created a tool which will vastly improve your reading
experience, regardless if you're a casual reader, student, or

professional”, he states.****

For more information about QRead and other accessibility software developed

by Toth, visit http://q-continuum.net.****

Christopher Toth is a freelance
Tim Jones
North Carolina Food Service
Fort Bragg, NC
Office:  910-396-2297
Cell:  704-491-1486

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