[Nfbv-announce] Ray McGeorge in ICU

Corbb O'Connor corbbo at gmail.com
Tue May 11 05:32:20 UTC 2010

In case you didn't already hear...

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Diane" <dianefilipe at peoplepc.com>
Date: May 10, 2010 1:30:07 PM EDT
Subject: [nabs-l] Fw:  Ray McGeorge
Reply-To: National Association of Blind Students mailing list <nabs-l at nfbnet.org 


I have the unfortunate task of informing you that our friend and long- 
time leader and colleague in the movement, Ray McGeorge is in the  
hospital with meningitis.  Yesterday morning, Sunday, Diane was  
unable  to wake Ray up and they immediately rushed Ray to the  
hospital.  Because he had difficulty breathing, they placed Ray on a  
respirator and started pumping him full of antibiotics.  Ray is in the  
ICU here at  Rose Hospital in Denver.  They are keeping him heavily  
Sedated and on the respirator to make it easier for his body to fight  
off the infection.  The doctors are very confident that he will be  
able to fight this off but it will take a few days of intensive  
treatment.  Diane tells me that Ray has triggered the respirator  
himself several times this morning meaning that he is gaining strength  
and trying to take over breathing on his own.  For all of us who know  
Ray,  we know that he has a tremendous positive attitude and that he  
is incredibly strong.  I am confident also that Ray will come through  
this with flying colors but please add your positive thoughts and  
prayers.  I will update you on Ray as I get more information.  Please  
feel free to forward this post as broadly as you like.

Scott C. LaBarre, Esq.

LaBarre Law Offices P.C.
1660 South Albion Street, Ste. 918
Denver, Colorado 80222
303 504-5979 (voice)
303 757-3640 (fax)
slabarre at labarrelaw.com (e-mail)
www.labarrelaw.com (website)

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