[Nfbv-announce] Minutes from the August 4 NFB of Virginia Board Meeting

patnaude.sarah at yahoo.com patnaude.sarah at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 16 12:37:12 UTC 2018

>From Jennifer Shields, Recording Secretary

jen.shields929 at gmail.com

Minutes for the National Federation of the blind of Virginia board Meeting are below and attached.

August 4, 2018


The meeting was called to order at 1:07 PM.

Everyone present introduced themselves.

Michael Kitchens gave the invocation.

Secretary’s report: The report was accepted as amended.

Treasurer’s report: The report was accepted as given.

National convention 2018: We had 3 Jernigan winners and 2 McDonald fellowship winners

We had a great turnout of volunteers for welcome table and exhibit hall table. We sold peanuts, earbuds, and leather carry bags.

National convention 2019: 7-12 of July at Mandalay Bay Hotel and Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Project rise: The pilot program ended in June. The second year will be underway in September. Meetings are the second Saturday of every month September-May. There will be concurrent programming for students across the Commonwealth throughout the year: state convention, Washington seminar etc. We have a marketing coordinator. They need mentors who will work with groups of 3-5 students at their meetings as well as informal mentors, during events such as state convention and Washington seminar. They want to have 20-25 students in this round. They had 18 students this summer. We authorized an investment of no more than $15,000 for the second year of project rise.

Virginia Chapter Leadership Institute: We want to drive chapter presidents and select individuals nominated by their chapter leadership to participate in the program. Every quarter they have a different focus, such as communications or community outreach. Suggestions for participants should be made by August 31. We voted to adopt the program, merging our Chapter Presidents Virtual Retreat and Leadership Fellows Program. We also voted to allocate up to $12,000 of affiliate funding for the program.

2018 convention operations and logistics: State convention will take place November 8-11, $79/night. More information will be available on our email list serve. Our national representative will be Jim Gashel.

Busses: We are looking at chartering a bus after state convention is over. There were a few people interested in the eastbound bus. There was also interest in a northbound bus. 

2019 state convention: Renaissance in Portsmouth, backup will be Hampton Crown Plaza for $86 room rates. In 2020 and 2022 we are going back to the Westin in Tyson’s Corner


Committee reports

Scholarship: They are preparing to distribute a flyer to advertise the program. The application should be out by august 15. The deadline is projected to be at the end of September.

Membership: They are working on contacting blind Virginians via mail, providing information about our state convention, approximately 3,000 people. The mail will go out in the next two weeks.

Fundraising: Harlem globetrotters event possibly next year, beeper basketball. If anyone has fundraising ideas, they were asked to contact the fundraising committee.

Communications: They are starting to promote state convention through social media. Affiliate members were asked to like and follow our facebook and Twitter pages. Anyone interested in writing articles for our newsletter should contact the communications committee.

Public outreach: The Rivers and bay chapters are holding a walk with the blind on October 13 in colonial Williamsburg. The flyers and pledge forms will be sent out electronically.



Seniors: They have conference calls on the fourth Wednesday of every month. Several of their members attended and volunteered at national convention. They are planning a seminar for convention.

Students: Southeast student seminar takes place next week, 50 students from 7 states will be participating.


Our next board meeting will be Friday, November 9, at 9:00 AM.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:11 PM.


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