[NFBV-Announce] Day 9: Our Unsung Heroes

Joe Orozco jsorozco at gmail.com
Sat Oct 10 21:38:05 UTC 2020

We're now nine days away from the early registration deadline for the 62nd
annual state convention. Thank you for joining us on this count down
spotlighting just a few reasons why your presence is eagerly anticipated.


Before getting to today's feature, please note the convention agenda is now
available on the web. You may find it easier to jump straight to the online
copy and more easily connect with the various Zoom links. I would be
grateful if you would take a look at it and make sure you understand the
meeting setup so that when convention week arrives, you will hit the ground
running. You can find the online agenda at:




#9: Parents Need Each Other


Have you ever loved your children so much you just wanted to shake them? No?
Clearly you've: A. never been a parent; or B. have not been a parent long


Parenting is difficult under the best of circumstances. Children don't come
with a manual, and even if they did, chances are good they would turn out to
be a spazz and drive you to throw the best advice out the window.


These days, it's easy to throw around words like "distance learning" and,
gulp, "home schooling". But when you dig beneath the surface and appreciate
what it is like to raise children while teaching them and balancing your
other priorities, all with breaks that are far and few between, it would be
nice to know you are not alone.


Please join us for one of two great opportunities to meet and mingle with
parents who get where you are coming from and want to be part of your
support system. The Virginia Parents of Blind Children will meet Tuesday,
October 27 at 7 PM. The Blind Parents Group will meet Wednesday, October 28
at 8 PM. Highlighting this latter group's session will be Mrs. Melissa
Riccobono, first lady of the NFB, who brings years of experience raising her
own children as well as programmatic experience building and maintaining
initiatives for parents. Both sessions will be optimal opportunities to
expand your circle of parents who understand.


Please forward this to anyone you know could benefit from the opportunities.
Celebrating our unsung heroes, the parents who do the most important work
and get little thanks for bringing up the next generation.


To register for the convention, visit:




Joe Orozco, Convention Organization and Arrangements



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