[Oabs] Membership roster update

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Fri Aug 1 00:35:21 UTC 2014

Hello all,

Thank you to those of you who sent me your membership roster
information to me today.  This brings the count to 6, which is half of
our division.  (I just realized we have actually 12 members by looking
at the awards form, so that will be corrected shortly as well).

Just in case others have sent emails and I didn't receive them, here
are the names of the members who have successfully gotten emails into
my inbox:  Emily, Lillie, Aleeha, Macy, Joy, and of course myself.  If
you did send me an email but don't see your name here, please try
sending it again by the end of the night tonight.

I realize that only 50% of the membership information will not be
enough to send in a roster, so if I do not receive everyone's
information tonight we will be forced to wait.  However, I will say
that everyone who has submitted information so far has stated that
they would like the Buckeye Bulletin in their email.  In order to be
fair to those individuals, and any who might send their information to
me after reading this email, we will have to abide by Eric's first
deadline of August 17th rather than Octoberr 15th to ensure that those
who followed the deadline and said they wanted to receive the bulletin
can get the convention issue in their inboxes.  Please don't make me
track you down close to the deadline out of respect for your fellow
OABS members.  Also, remember that the sooner we get this done the
more time we can have to focus on the issues which need our attention
in August and in the meetings leading up to convention.  It would be
wonderful if I got 6 more emails with membership information tonight,
and I know we can do that!

Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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