[Oabs] Tentative meeting time

Kaiti Shelton kaiti.shelton at gmail.com
Sun Jan 4 06:22:13 UTC 2015

Hi all,

Unfortunately, I'm still waiting to hear back from the scheduling for
school that is taking a last minute approach, but I wanted to put at
least a tentative meeting time out there so that everyone can try to
prepare.  If not, there is another time in the week which still works
for everyone that we could use as a backup.  I apologize for the bit
of uncertainty, but this scheduling issue isn't within my control, and
hopefully it won't end up being a problem (I doubt it will, but better
to be over-prepared).

Let's plan to keep our meetings on the third week of the month, as
that was indicated to be preferable by most people who sent in
surveys.  Those of you who felt Friday night meetings were a bit rough
after the end of a week, or because social things with other groups
happen on Fridays will be happy to know that we have found a week
night that works for everyone!  Thursday nights at 7:30 are in the
clear, so we'll plan for that time.  Our back up time will be Tuesday
nights at 7:30, and I will let you know for sure what we will do as
soon as I have the information myself.

I know the time of the conference calls was a concern for some on the
surveys.  It has gotten a lot better than what it was at one time, but
I hope that having the calls on a week night will help keep things
moving as well.  It also might make things like forgetting about the
calls, or conflicts with other events less of a problem, and could be
easier for speakers to attend for the latter reason as well.

Our first meeting will be on Jan 15 at 7:30.  IF we need to switch
till Tuesdays, it will be on the 19th.  As I said, I should know more
about my schedule in a few days at the latest, and will fill in the
blanks here right away.

Kaiti Shelton
University of Dayton 2016.
Music Therapy, Psychology, Philosophy
President, Ohio Association of Blind Students
Sigma Alpha Iota-Delta Sigma

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