[Ag-eq] Getting more people interested

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sun Sep 6 16:26:56 UTC 2015

AG & Eq used to have by far the most interesting tours at national
convention, though they weren't widely publicized.  In Philly, we visited a
carriage horse stable, a park that hired out riding horses, and a
micro-brewery.  I remember the brewery guy thought that, like most of their
tourists, we were only interested in the samples at the end, but, when he
saw we really knew something about the process and were really interested,
he shared a lot more with us.  It was great.  

In Louisville, the gang went out to Churchill Downs.  I didn't go, but I
wish now I had.


I don't know what kind of agricultural visits could be organized around
Orlando, but there might be something.  Of course, then we'd all have to go
to convention! And, if we publicized the tours, more people might become



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