[Ag-eq] Taming wild yeasties

Aaron Cannon cannona at fireantproductions.com
Sat Dec 15 18:36:53 UTC 2018

It depends on your container. You don't want to have an air-tight
seal. So, nothing that screws on. If you have a crock with a heavy
lid, that's fine. If you cover with plastic, poke a small hole for the
CO2 to escape. If you screw down a lid, you risk the lid popping off,
at best, or the container exploding, at worst. :)  I doubt having a
lid would make much difference in temperature though.

If I don't use a crock, I generally just take a small piece of cheese
cloth or a dish towel and rubber-band it over the top of a jar.


On 12/15/18, Tracy Carcione via Ag-eq <ag-eq at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Aaron, Susan says her sourdough-making person keeps the starter lid tight,
> to keep in heat.  My book says to keep the lid loose.  What do you do?
> Tracy

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