[AG-EQ] Fruit harvest

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sun Dec 1 15:11:52 UTC 2019

I had a good fruit harvest this year.

It was an apple year.  My tree produces apples every other year, which I
read is usual.  This year, it got a bit stressed by really hot weather, and
got a fungus and lost most of its leaves in August, so the crop wasn't as
huge as usual.  But that was OK, as it was more manageable, and what we got
was tasty.


I got 1 passionfruit!  My passionflowers go wild and make their own jungle,
but so far don't make many fruit.  The fruit looked like a lime.  The inside
is like jelly balls around seeds, kinda like a pomegranate, but not so firm,
and it tasted a bit like an orange.  I just cut the fruit open and ate bits
of it over a couple days.  I'm not sure how it's supposed to be used, so I
just ate it.  I think one can make jelly, but I only had the one fruit.


I got a big fig harvest!  I thought fruit would stop ripening when it got
cold, but I kept getting fruit until the frost came.  

I don't know if I got so much because my tree is a few years old now, or if
it was because my tree didn't die back as far last winter as it has done
before.  I'm growing a fig called Chicago Hardy, which can survive even if
it dies all the way back to the ground, which it pretty much did a couple
years ago.  

I follow horse racing, and a guy at the local track says the horses aren't
growing really thick coats, so he thinks the winter won't be really cold.
That would be good news for my fig and my asparagus, but I think it's
contrary to what the Farmers Almanac says.  We'll see.



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