[Art_beyond_sight_educators] BBC - In pictures: India's blind photographers
Lisa Yayla
fnugg at online.no
Fri Dec 21 05:52:10 UTC 2012
article excerpt
Mumbai photographer gives the visually impaired a chance to click
...The students show how they use sound to gauge direction and touch to
measure the object they are shooting. That's how those who have no sight
can see images through their mind's eye, thanks to sound and touch.
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*Helping visually impaired users properly aim a camera
Marynel Vázquez - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Aaron Steinfeld - Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
ASSETS '12 Proceedings of the 14th international ACM SIGACCESS
conference on Computers and accessibility
Pages 95-102
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Hope In Sight For Visually Impaired
In 1921 a British photographer gone blind invented the white cane for
his surroundings to recognize his impairment. Other than undergoing a
slight lengthening two decades later, the technology has remained
unchanged for almost one century...
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In pictures: India's blind photographers
This picture of pigeons in flight was taken by Bhavesh Patel, who was
also born blind. "I followed the direction of the sound of pigeons
flying and took the picture based on the audio clue, which meant some
more pigeons are flying. It started raining a few moments after this
picture was taken."
article excerpt
Photo gallery: On World Sight Day, photography by 'Blind With Camera'
Photographers say you need to have an eye to take pictures. These
children, who lack some or all of their vision, have applied the same
maxim to their photography. The pictures that you see below are images
that I took of an exhibition by the Mumbai-based project 'Blind With
Camera' <http://www.blindwithcamera.org/>. The show is on display at the
Alliance Francaise in New Delhi until Oct. 18th, and I shot these images
on the World Health Organization's World Sight Day
article excerpt
Show of photographs by visually impaired photographers in Norwich, UK
article excerpt
Photographer Partho Bhowmick Teaches the Visually Impaired How to 'See'
Let's attempt a quick exercise. Pick up your digital camera. Turn it on.
Now, close your eyes and try to photograph the window closest to you. It
isn't as easy as you think it might be. Even if you may be skilled in
the art of photography, without your sight to guide you as you compose
the frame, taking pictures can be a challenge. Now consider the case of
the visually impaired, especially those who have no memory of sight. You
probably never imagined a camera in the hands of someone who cannot see.
But think again. Initiatives like *Partho Bhowmick*'s *Beyond Sight
Foundation* and *Blind with Camera* <http://www.blindwithcamera.org/>
are changing the way the blind perceive photography, not as a practice
that is outside of their grasp but as a discipline that can empower them.
article excerpt
Not blinded by thought or action
An exhibition which has proved that impossible is nothing! Ever imagined
a 'blind person' taking a photograph? We all know that it is next to
impossible for a person who is visually impaired to even take the
initiative of capturing the world 'without their sight'. But, an
initiative by Partho Bhowmick is changing the way the blind perceive
photography, not as a practice but as a discipline that can empower them
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