[Blind-rollers] A Horrible Experience at Kmart

Charlotte sirius_black at comcast.net
Thu Jul 16 03:03:47 UTC 2015

A few days ago my best friend and I were talking about the good deals 
she got while at Kmart with another friend of hers. They had sales on 
swimsuits, clothing, shoes, etc. and I was looking to purchase some of 
these same articles. She said she'd like to go back as well so we 
planned a trip for Friday, July 3, to go to Kmart on paratransit to get 
the items we wanted. I told her I'd call ahead the next day and let them 
know we were coming and that we would be there quite a while as we were 
two blind women, one in a wheelchair, looking for clothing and 
accessories. The next day I called to let them know. I spoke to the 
manager on duty. He assured me it was no problem. I didn't feel very 
satisfied with his brush-off quick response and told my husband about 
it. He then called again and spoke to a customer service lead. This time 
he, too, was assured that it would be no problem. He gave the times we'd 
be there and she said she'd get it taken care of and leave a note at the 
service desk so they could get someone in ladies' clothing or a similar 
department to help us. We again told her the length of time we were 
looking at and that there would be two of us. We arrived at Kmart Friday 
and I went to the service desk. I again said I had called ahead and 
spoken to two people and told them we were coming and that my friend and 
I would need help shopping. Not only were my two previous calls ignored, 
but we were given a male cashier who knew nothing about clothing. He, as 
an employee and a person, was fantastic. But I did not feel the most 
comfortable shopping for intimate apparel with a male not related to me. 
We proceeded to begin shopping and purchased some shoes, swimsuit, and 
were looking at pants. We had been shopping for about 2 hours. My friend 
and I were in the women's fitting room trying on clothing. All of a 
sudden there is a loud bang on the door. In a raised, scathing tone, the 
general manager of the store inquires how much longer we intend on tying 
his employee up. I again explained that we had called twice in advance 
and that I had indeed spoken to a manager on duty. I explained this in a 
calm tone, only letting a bit of my growing frustration show. Dan, the 
store manager, then proceeds to publicly, loudly berate me in front of 
the other customers and employees and tell me how unappreciative and 
ungrateful I am. He said I had tied up an employee for 3 or 4 hours. We 
had begun shopping at 11 and it was just after 1 when the incident 
occured. He said that from now on they are putting a 30 minute maximum 
on any assistance because of my extreme attitude. I tried to reason with 
him as did my friend and say we were not being extreme. We'd tried to do 
the responsible thing and if we'd come separate they'd have had two 
employees tied up. It really hurt my feelings and upset me very much to 
be publicly humiliated and berated in front of the other customers and 
employees, and while I was trying on clothes in the women's fitting 
room. I came out of the room in tears. The gentleman helping us was 
appalled. He profusely apologized for his manager's rude behavior and 
said if he were us he'd just put everything back and walk out. I said 
I'd love to do that but with my transportation limitations, that wasn't 
an option for me. We did get checked out and went to wait for our ride. 
When I got home, I immediately called the corporate complaint 
department. The gentleman who took my call was also appalled by the 
classless behavior of the manager. I am still waiting to hear the 
resolution of this complaint. I will never set foot back in that store 
again unless that manager is no longer working there or at any store. He 
is rude, unprofessional, and according to the employee helping us, he 
treats his employees the same way. I've been verbally abused before and 
that was exactly what this experience reminded me of. My friend said he 
was accusing us of having an extreme attitude, when he was actually the 
one acting extreme. I would not recommend any person with a disability 
to go to Kmart. You will be treated as less than human and given the 
complete brush-off. If you go to the store on Lake St. Dan will impose a 
30 minute maximum on your shopping time. This is not legal by ADA 
standards. He feels that we are taking advantage of a system and so I 
feel that he doesn't want us there or our business. Let Dan, the Kmart 
manager know what you think of what you just read. I have an update to 
this story. It is now July 15, and I still have not heard any word from 
corporate of any kind. I called twice and both times was told someone 
would get back in touch with me promptly. This has not happened. 
Apparently Sears and Kmart do not care about whether or not their 
customers are treated in a dignified manner.

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