[blindlaw] Refusal To Use A Cane

Mark BurningHawk stone_troll at sbcglobal.net
Sun Dec 16 16:42:28 UTC 2012

Hey Father John.  It's okay, I"m thick-skinned and I asked for it, in fact I'll probably be rebuked soon, so I should curb this.  My point was not that laws to protect citizens are bad, but that special laws to protect blind citizens MORE than sighted citizens do nothing to bolster independence or autonomy of the blind individual.  If the law says that a person with a white cane has more rights if injured by a motorist than a person without one is also saying that this person deserves more, for some reason.  I am not advocating for anarchy, merely much LESS … archy. :) 

Mark BurningHawk
Skype and Twitter:  BurningHawk1969
Home page:  Http://MarkBurningHawk.net/

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