[Blindmath] experiment to make map info online accessible--please participate!

Thomas, Kavita E tkavita at abdn.ac.uk
Wed Nov 26 10:59:12 UTC 2008

We're developing a prototype system which takes numerical data found on maps online (like census data) and communicates it as texts so that it's accessible to the blind and VI community.
I'm running a final experiment now to find out which texts are most preferred by blind and VI users so that we can implement these in our system, and so I was hoping that you might participate if you're blind or severely visually-impaired. The experiment takes on average half an hour and it's online, so you can do it whenever is best for you, though it needs to be done all in one sitting without taking breaks or pauses in the middle. It's also quite repetitive, as you'll be listening to 10 texts and answering questions about each of them, but your participation will really make a difference and help us to produce texts which make the most sense to blind and VI users in general. Please forward this on to anyone else who you think might be
willing to participate. The website to go to to take the experiment is:
Thanks very much,
Dr Kavita Thomas
the Atlas.txt project: www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/research/atlas
Department of Computing Science
University of Aberdeen

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