[Blindmath] Mathematical document accessibility

Susan Jolly easjolly at ix.netcom.com
Fri Mar 13 18:38:51 UTC 2009

This question is for those of you who use a braille math system other than
Nemeth.  What is your reason for continuing to use BAUK or whatever instead
of switching to Nemeth?  My understanding from those on this list who
started with another braille math and then switched to Nemeth is that they
much prefer Nemeth.

MathML, LaTeX, other TeX flavors, and the various braille maths are just a
few of the many plain text math markup or math entry systems that have been
around for years.  The fact that MathML is still being updated is one
indicator of the difficulties of devising a "perfect" system.  Moreover,
automatically converting between almost any pair of systems is difficult
because they "think" differently and also because most systems are
incomplete but in different ways. 


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