[Blindmath] A Plea for Information

Christine Szostak szostak.1 at osu.edu
Tue Aug 3 19:39:19 UTC 2010

Dear List,
  My apologies for the re-post, but I just  wanted to resend this to put a few more feelers out there for any information.

  If anyone on the list knows how to make Adobe Audition 3.0 (a sound editing software package I am interested in using for my research) accessible to JAWS 9.0 (32-bit OS with Windows XP) I would much appreciate any information you might be able to provide.

  I have been scouring the internet as well as various forums and lists for any information with little success (e.g., most information is for lower versions of both programs). Folks at Adobe assure me that the two products work together but they have no further  information.
many thanks,
Christine M. Szostak
Graduate Student
Language Perception Laboratory
Department of Psychology, Cognitive Area
The Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
szostak.1 at osu.edu

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