[Blindmath] help posting software on nfbscience.org

John Miller j8miller at soe.ucsd.edu
Tue Sep 21 00:24:11 UTC 2010

I am looking for help to upload several programs to the nfbscience.org web page.
I believe these programs could help individuals in many STEM classes.
Please contact me directly at jmiller at ucsd.edu<mailto:jmiller at ucsd.edu> if you would like to try one of these programs.

The programs are command line programs written in c programming. You can compile them in cygwin and execute them under cygwin or windows command prompt.

The programs format_table, cat_table, and percent_table all work on .csv files such as read and generated by Excel.
format_table creates an output table with a small set of selected columns from a csv file with many columns.
It is helpful for viewing with a braille display how numbers are changing in a small set of columns.  Suppose you have a 20 row, 60 column csv file.
Does column 50 increase when elements in column 25 increase? Selecting a subset of columns can be useful during analysis.
The cat_table utility concatenates the columns of 2 input csv files.  Suppose you have 5 columns of data in input file 1 and 5 columns of data in input file 2.
Each file describes a different experiment.  Creating a single file containing all 10 columns can be useful for analysis and that is what this simple program does.
The program percent_table analyzes an input csv file. It creates an output csv file whose columns contain percent errors between specified input columns.
For example, suppose an input file contains 4 columns of data.  Columns 1 and 2 describe temperature and volume for experiment 1. Columns 3 and 4 describe temperature and volume for experiment 2.
Given a configuration file, the program creates an output csv file with column 1 containing the percent error between input columns 1 and 3 and an output column 2 containing the percent error between input columns 2 and 4.
In a single step, percent_table can provide experiment comparisons with no copying and pasting in Excel.

I hope you will find these programs helpful.
very best,
John Miller, President
Science and Engineering Division of the NFB

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