[Blindmath] Access2Science

John Gardner john.gardner at orst.edu
Wed Mar 30 22:02:56 UTC 2011

Hello Blind Math colleagues.  Three blind scientists, Dr. Norman Coombs, Dr.
Cary Supalo, and Dr. Katsuhito Yamaguchi have joined me in sponsoring a new
web site devoted to STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)
access.  See

This site is intended to provide a wealth of articles and links to practical
information useful to blind and dyslexic people and to their peers, parents,
teachers, and various providers.  At this point, the wealth is fairly slim,
but it is a start.  The editors have invited articles on several obvious
topics of need/interest, and I encourage people on the Blind Math list to
provide others.  For example, I know that some of you have expertise in
using MathLab, Maple, Mathematica, and other math applications.  It would be
extremely useful to write up a short article that explains what one or more
of these applications do and that assists new users to get them up and
running.  One or two examples would also be helpful.  

And there are a thousand other useful things that the talented people on
this list could add.  I encourage you to write and send articles, links to
useful information, etc.

Much thanks.  I hope you find the Access2Science site useful and that you
will participate as both user and contribotor!

John Gardner

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