[Blindmath] A Lot of SVG?

Christine Szostak szostak.1 at osu.edu
Sat Oct 29 03:49:17 UTC 2011

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
  Perhaps this is my impression alone, but it seems like this list has suddenly become very focused on announcing every new change/version of SVG and moved away from its original intent. I realize its potential and understand the value, but given that there are often 10+ emails about this product alone every day that often are meant to discuss strengths/limits of the product, announce every new update... , I am wondering if there needs to be a separate list for just this. Perhaps one great option might be to construct a forum on the website where those using it can contribute so that even those who are not part of this list may benefit and so that more elaborated discussions  can emerge in a more directly connected location.

  Again, I think it is a product with wonderful potential and understand its value to the VI-community but I am finding that much of the discussion on this list of late is becoming questions as to the  strengths and bugs associated with this product. This  may not be an opinion shared by the list-at-large  and thus if I am alone in this thought, feel free to disregard this message though this just seems like a  discussion that is becoming worthy of its own list as it seems to be taking on a life of its own.

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