[Blindmath] Announcing SVGExplore01 from the creator of SVGDraw01

Pranav Lal pranav.lal at gmail.com
Sat Oct 29 08:42:13 UTC 2011

Hi Richard,

My comments are inline.

> 1. Have a different instrument for each shape. I do not know if this will
> impose any limitations on the program.

rgb] When you say instrument, are you speaking of musical instrument, such
as trumpet, saxaphone, etc. If so, that is a great idea if I can figure out
how to create the sounds of musical instruments very very quickly.
PL] Yes. I suspect you will have to use midi.
> 2. Give me the ability to lock the mouse to a shape. That way, I could
> explore a shape without worrying about other shapes interfering.

rgb] I'm not sure what you mean when you say lock the mouse on a shape.
PL] Assume I am on an ellipse. If I move the mouse, it should not cross the
border of that ellipse.
> 3.  The motorbike sound is good to indicate a shape. However, give me a
> different sound when I am navigating in the blank space of the drawing.

rgb] I can do that.
PL] Thanks.
> 4. Could I use the scroll wheel to move vertically?

rgb] Yes, but touchpads don't have scroll wheels.
PL] The one on my laptop has a key which I suspect acts as one but I take
your point.
> 5. At some stage, you willneed to integrate this explorer into the main
> drawing application.

rgb] I agree, but I want to get working as a stand-alone program before
getting involved in the complexity of integrating the two programs.
PL] Absolutely!
> 6. I can trace the circle but getting to the other shapes and tracing them
> is a challenge.

rgb] Do you think it would be easier with a touchpad?
PL] Perhaps since I will not run out of table space to move the mouse.


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