[Blindmath] Accessible math video with HTML5

Madeleine Rothberg madeleine_rothberg at wgbh.org
Wed Oct 3 18:41:35 UTC 2012

Posting on behalf of my colleague, Geoff Freed.

With funding provided by the Reader's Digest Partners for Sight
Foundation, the National Center for Accessible Media at WGBH (NCAM) is
continuing its experiments with the Popcorn.js HTML5 Media Framework to
deliver screen-reader accessible supplemental materials alongside video
embedded in a Web page.  You can read about the project and see our second
prototype demonstration at http://ncamftp.wgbh.org/rd/quadratic/ .  This
new prototype is focused on accessible math.  Read the instructions and
system requirements, then watch the video to see (and hear) accessible
math displayed as the video progresses along its timeline.

There are links on the site for feedback; we encourage you tell us what
you think of what we've done so far.

Thanks very much.
Geoff Freed

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