[Blindmath] Request for ideas for a mac screen reader that with read MathML

steve.noble at louisville.edu steve.noble at louisville.edu
Thu Jul 14 18:44:49 UTC 2016

I have done quite a lot of testing of reading MathML on the Mac. Here are a few points which may help:
1) Make sure you are using the current OS X version, El Capitan. The Safari browser and VoiceOver screen reader come packaged with the OS, so if you don't upgrade to the current OS, you won't be getting the most recent VoiceOver version. Some older Macs may not have the newer version which includes MathML support.
2) The student will either need to use the Safari browser or Firefox on the Mac, plus VoiceOver. Either of these browsers will support math reading on the Mac. However, trying to use VoiceOver with Chrome on the Mac *will not* support MathML. Technically, one can use the ChromeVox extension with Chrome on the Mac, but it is a standalone reader only for Chrome, so one would have to turn off VoiceOver while using ChromeVox. 
3) Either HTML+MathML or HTML+MathJax web content will work. There used to be a problem with reading MathJax content with VoiceOver, but this is largely solved since the recent update to MathJax 2.6, which included a number of accessibility tweaks. If you already have content in LaTeX, you can try embedding it into HTML content using MathJax. See http://docs.mathjax.org/en/latest/tex.html for guidance.

Hope this helps!

--Steve Noble
steve.noble at louisville.edu

From: Blindmath [blindmath-bounces at nfbnet.org] on behalf of Kathryn Montovan via Blindmath [blindmath at nfbnet.org]
Sent: Thursday, July 14, 2016 1:55 PM
To: blindmath at nfbnet.org
Cc: Kathryn Montovan
Subject: [Blindmath] Request for ideas for a mac screen reader that with        read MathML


I have a visually impaired student who will be taking upper-level
mathematics classes and does not read braille. We have been trying to work
out a way that he can access information from latex files auditorily. I
know that there are ways to move the context from latex to MathML, but we
are having a really hard time finding a text to voice program that reads
the mathML documents well on a mac. Can anybody here recommend programs
that correctly read MathML and work on apple computers?


Katie Montovan

Faculty Member of Bennington College
Phone: 802-440-4484
Email: kmontovan at bennington.edu
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