[BlindResearch] working in multiple research domains

Cheryl Fogle-Hatch c.k.fogle at gmail.com
Sun May 27 13:10:44 UTC 2018

Thanks for creating this list.  I'm curious about how many folks on
this list work in multiple research domains.

I am an archaeologist, and I am also now planning research projects
about access to museum exhibits for blind people.  Coincidentally, I
found my collaborator, Don Winiecki, from NFB science and social
science lists.

My research in archaeology concerns social interaction among
prehistoric hunter-gatherers as it can be determined by analyzing
stylistic similarities of stone tools found at different sites.  My
area is specifically the Late Paleoindian period in North America
(about 9,000 years ago).  After completing my Ph.D. from the
University of New Mexico, I took on consulting work two areas: science
communication and outreach for archaeology, and community engagement
with museums, specifically for people who are blind.  That's where the
museums research comes in.  In the near future, we will be providing
much more information about that.

So I'm curious about how many of us work in blindness along with a
different field.
Looking forward to the discussion.


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