[BlindRUG] a bandaide approach

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at panix.com
Wed Apr 1 19:05:56 UTC 2015

I found http://www.gnu.org/software/datamash/
to be quick to learn and was able to get useful statistics
from the package.  I use archlinux with espeak and speakup to do what I do
in a linux command line environment.
I had got emacs-orgmode mostly working but never did manage to
get statistics calculated on an org table I have so went looking and
found datamash.
Maybe this could use some more statistics, but if so it's open source

I need to find out if R can inhale org-mode tables and produce some 
before I go much further with it.  Needless to say for those with 
experience with Linux,
my favorite editor is not vim since org-mode doesn't come packaged with a 
current version of vim but emacs.
I had read the org manual and calc manuals and I think because I read both 
of those manuals
I wasn't successful in figuring out how to get org-mode calculating for 
Many more statistics production worked examples would be hugely helpful in 
this respect for org-mode.

-- Twitter: JudeDaShiell

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