[BlindRUG] Switching from Doing with Eyesight to Doing Without

Godfrey, Jonathan A.J.Godfrey at massey.ac.nz
Sun Apr 2 20:19:53 UTC 2017

Hello Nicholas,

Think of your R markdown document as a new R session with an empty workspace. You need to import the data you want and the additional packages you need.

Your commands will be in a number of chunks but they are all run sequentially as you would with any other R script.

In the end, your markdown file is a completely standalone record of the work you will do.


From: BlindRUG [mailto:blindrug-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Nicholas J via BlindRUG
Sent: Monday, 3 April 2017 7:48 a.m.
To: blindrug at nfbnet.org
Cc: Nicholas J
Subject: Re: [BlindRUG] Switching from Doing with Eyesight to Doing Without

Dr. Godfrey,
Thank you for all the replies. In rmarkdown, is there a way to open a package without having to show the code library(packageName) in the output? I have had a lot of trouble in the past using the same data set in different code chunks. I can load it in one chunk and use it there, but I sometimes have trouble accessing the set in another code chunk. Is there something I can do so that I do not have to load the data set into every chunk?
Thank you,

On Tue, Mar 14, 2017 at 9:59 PM, Nicholas J <314nick15 at gmail.com<mailto:314nick15 at gmail.com>> wrote:

I am legally blind, with enough vision to do things on the computer using Zoomtext and using a portable cctv to view things from a distance. I have been relying on this technology to do everything from programming, to statistical work, to reading, to viewing boards, and surfing the web. I can still see the same amount, but the inefficiencies in all these techniques has become apparent. I have been switching over to technologies like Jaws, Kurzweil, and braille. For r programming, I'm thinking Jaws is the best to use, but I am not sure how. I've read about the terminal and used it before. I mainly use Rstudio visually now and saw that many of the features in it like creating rmarkdown files and such would have to be done differently in places like the terminal. I've learned that Rstudio is not very Jaws friendly, but am not at all sure how to use Jaws and r together. How can you view a whole script of r code at once? In a terminal, doesn't one run code line by line? How can all line be corrected and run at once like in Rstudio? How do I code in r just using my hearing and not eyesight? How do I create such things as an rmarkdown file or a shiny app without Rstudio? I looked through the threads in this list and found things that are very helpful, but am not sure how to use them without using my vision. Any help would very much be appreciated.

Thank you,

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