[BlindRUG] Greetings from RStudio

JooYoung Seo jooyoung at psu.edu
Wed Mar 11 23:09:12 UTC 2020

Welcome to the group, Gary, and thank you very much for introducing
yourself and your great work at RStudio!

I believe our members, including the lead of this group, Dr. Jonathan
Godfrey as well as other insightful persons, will be glad to offer
their valuable input on the accessibility of RStudio moving forward.

I will also do my utmost to contribute to improving accessibility of
RStudio IDE and other products and packages.

All the best,


On 3/11/20, Gary Ritchie via BlindRUG <blindrug at nfbnet.org> wrote:
> Hi all.
> I'm a software developer working for RStudio. I've been a professional
> developer for a long time (over 30 years, yikes), and have been with
> RStudio for about 3.5 years.
> I've worked on a variety of features in RStudio, but for the past 10 months
> I've been focused on accessibility improvements, including screen reader
> support. It is an area I have always been interested in, and I told the
> company I wanted to tackle, and they have let me do that. I've learned a
> lot, and made a lot of improvements to the RStudio IDE, but honestly I'm
> just getting started. There's still a long way to go to make RStudio a
> truly usable and beneficial tool for blind R users.
> The good news is this is now my full-time role at RStudio, so I look
> forward to continuing to learn and improve our products, and to educate
> others at RStudio on being more aware of accessibility issues.
> I am not blind, so getting feedback from real users like you will be
> critical for me to accomplish my goals!
> Thanks,
> Gary Ritchie
> gary at rstudio.com

  JooYoung Seo, CPACC
  Ph.D. Candidate (ABD),
  Learning, Design, and Technology
  Learning and Performance Systems
  The Pennsylvania State University
  Site: https://www.jooyoungseo.com/
  Phone: +1 (814) 777-5825
  E-mail: jzs323 at psu.edu

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