[Blindtlk] Conklin Center for the Blind, Lighthouse of Broward, and division of blind services Rehabilitation Center for theBlind and Visually Impaired

David Andrews dandrews at visi.com
Sat Aug 20 18:59:04 UTC 2011

Everybody -- drop it.  He was removed once again.


At 10:05 AM 8/20/2011, you wrote:
>He did, but the man returned with a new email 
>address.  That has not yet been banned (though 
>where I moderated, ban evasion for any reason 
>justified a fresh ban—if youu wanted back, you 
>made your case WITHOUT evasion!) Dave has told 
>him he’s on exceedingly thin ice, and we’ve 
>heard no more from him.  I expect we won’t 
>until his next spam. Joseph - KF7QZC On Sat, Aug 
>20, 2011 at 10:31:28AM -0400, chris nusbaum 
>wrote: >I thought he already did! > >Chris > >On 
>8/20/11, cheryl echevarria 
><cherylandmaxx at hotmail.com> wrote: >> I think 
>this is a spam, it has been around some of the 
>other talk lists >> Gloria. >> >> I hope David 
>Andrews, is going to take this person off all 
>lists, since this >> person isn't replying to 
>Alexander Kaiser. >> >> Leading the Way in 
>Independent Travel! >> >> Cheryl Echevarria >> 
>http://www.echevarriatravel.com >> 
>631-456-5394 >> 
>reservations at echevarriatravel.com >> >> 
>Affiliated as an Independent Contractor with 
>Superior Travel, located in >> Baldwin, NY. 
>www.superiortravel.com >> >> Affiliated as an 
>Independent Contractor with Absolute Cruise & 
>Travel, Inc. >> >> >> ----- Original Message 
>----- >> From: "Gloria Whipple" 
><ladygloria at webband.com> >> To: "'Blind Talk 
>Mailing List'" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org> >> Sent: 
>Saturday, August 20, 2011 12:43 AM >> Subject: 
>Re: [Blindtlk] Conklin Center for the Blind, 
>Lighthouse of >> Broward,and division of blind 
>services Rehabilitation Center for theBlind >> 
>and Visually Impaired >> >> >>> Quit being a 
>nuisance! >>> >>> >>> Gloria Whipple >>> 
>Corresponding Secretary >>> Inland Empire 
>chapter >>> nfb of WA >>> >>> Cell: 
>509-828-2338 >>> >>> >>> -----Original 
>Message----- >>> From: 
>blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org 
>[mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On >>> 
>Behalf Of Alexander Kaiser >>> Sent: Monday, 
>August 15, 2011 10:03 >>> To: 
>blindtlk at nfbnet.org; nfb-talk at nfbnet.org; 
>nfbf-l at nfbnet.org; >>> fabs at nfbnet.org; 
>nabs-l at nfbnet.org; fcb-l at acb.org >>> Subject: 
>[Blindtlk] Conklin Center for the Blind, 
>Lighthouse of Broward, >>> and >>> division of 
>blind services Rehabilitation Center for the 
>Blind and >>> Visually >>> Impaired >>> 
>Importance: High >>> >>> Attention All blind 
>Floridians, >>> Hi my name is Alexander Kaiser. 
>I would like to find out experiential >>> 
>opinions  on recent attendees of the Conklin 
>Center for the Blind, recent >>> attendees of 
>the Lighthouse of broward and recent attendees 
>of the Florida >>> division of blind services 
>Rehabilitation Center  for the blind and >>> 
>Visually >>> Impaired . I also would like to 
>have a good consensus of each center >>> 
>because >>> I will be attending the Conklin 
>Center for the Blind within the next 6 >>> 
>months. Please write back as immediately as 
>possible. My email address is >>> 
>AScottKaiser90 at inbox.com. I can be contacted off 
>list on my cell phone at >>> 9 >>> 7 3 5 2 5 8 0 
>9 6. >>> Sincerely, >>> Mr. Alexander Scott Kaiser >>> >>>

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