[Blindtlk] Southwest Airlines Web Site

Peter Donahue pdonahue2 at satx.rr.com
Sat Jun 4 20:44:25 UTC 2011

Hello again everyone,

    I neglected to mention in my earlier post that Sebastian with Southwest 
Airlines told me the he had to assist a number of blind passengers that had 
difficulty accessing their Web site since it's latest reincarnation was 
launched. I told him that this too is an issue which could cause blind 
passengers to take their business to other airlines or investigate other 
flying alternatives and that they need to fix the accessibility of their Web 
site. Continuing to ignore the blind community can result in another PR. 
nightmare as the customer of size policy has become. Again I reminded them 
that the Nation's blind will only consider this situation put right when we 
like other passengers can buy our tickets online and have access to all 
other areas of their Web site. Issuing free travel vouchers is only a way to 
distract dissatisfied passengers. This is within their control and they need 
to be held accountable for making their Web site 100% usable by blind 
passengers. Here's hoping everyone is having a great weekend.

Peter Donahue

"Will you come and awake our lost land from its slumber
      And her fetters we'll break, links that long are encumbered.
      And the air will resound with hosannas to greet you
      On the shore will be found gallant Irishmen to greet you."
Will You Come to the Bower
Traditional Irish Folk Song

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