[Blindtlk] Doggie Doo.

Bernadetta Pracon bernadetta_pracon at samobile.net
Fri Mar 11 00:49:53 UTC 2011

Hi Mary,
Yes, you're right.  Guide dog users are definitely responsible for 
cleaning up after their dogs. From what you described, I gather that 
your friends probably let their dogs out into the yard to do their 
business without accompanying them there. I suppose that's all right in 
a way; I guess after all it's up to the user to decide how he or she 
will manage their dog's needs,but at the various guide dog schools,they 
train us to go out with our dogs when they need to relieve themselves. 
That's the wiser, more responsible choice in my oppinion,versus letting 
the dog go out alone. That way, the owner knows exactly where the poo 
is, since he or she has the dog on a leash and can  in a sense, figure 
out where it relieves itself by keeping track of where their guide is 
the entire time. It's also a good idea to pick up after one's dog right 
away, because it gives the owner a chance to monitor the dog's stool. 
For example,if the dog has loose stool, he might be unhealthy for some 
reason or have worms, and if the dog relieves itself unattended, the 
owner won't notice that early enough.

Just my two cents.


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