[Blindtlk] Use of the Term Visually Impaired

Carly Mihalakis carlymih at comcast.net
Fri Jun 21 21:54:16 UTC 2013

Hi, Chris,

Ya know, something i have come to surmise, particularly in the course 
of my own journey with brain damage, is that this person first 
construct is little more than a sanitary means of separating effected 
YOU, from whole, uneffected me without coming right out and saying as 
much. Doncha think?
Person might as well come out an call you a nigger, a blind bat, a 
fag or retard. These people don't wanna be faced with such raw shit 
so they'd rather impose this sanitary shit on you. Ts'all hog wash,
'sfar as I'm concerned.

  02:32 PM 6/21/2013, Christine Szostak wrote:
>Your comment reminds me of someone I met several years ago. This 
>person worked with individuals  that  were in rehab for brain 
>trauma. Anyway, I know this person meant well, but she was so 
>extremely person first, without a disability, and she actually got 
>annoyed with me for not even at the time realizing that it was an 
>issue as I typically used the phrase visually impaired people, that 
>personally it was almost offensive to me. I think when someone 
>without a disability  or impairment starts acting so extremely 
>strongly, it almost, at least to me, starts to feel like the person 
>is just really uncomfortable with the disability. In other words, it 
>almost feels like they are over doing the oh you are a person first, 
>because they are really uncomfortable with the disability.
>With warm regards,
>----- Original Message ----- From: "Carly Mihalakis" <carlymih at comcast.net>
>To: "Blind Talk Mailing List" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>; "'Blind Talk 
>Mailing List'" <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>
>Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 5:09 PM
>Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] Use of the Term Visually Impaired
>>Here in Berkeley, they routinely ram that person first shit down 
>>our throats but I have to say, i am enucleated and therefore am not 
>>"impaired" by any strech of anyone's imagination, but am stone ass 
>>BLIND. When, in public people refer to my blind partner and I as 
>>"visually in paired" or "unsighted" I quickly correct them 
>>by  saying "no, I'm blind." People feel seem to feel so strongly 
>>about such an issue yet, those who conceivers of this so called 
>>People First lingo,to the best of my knowledge, are not themselves 
>>effected by anything separating them from the main stream. Oughtn't 
>>effected people be them deaf, blind  or  crippled, inform society 
>>as to how they would like to be referred?
>>for today, Car
>>>From: blindtlk [mailto:blindtlk-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Christine
>>>Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 4:38 PM
>>>To: Blind Talk Mailing List
>>>Subject: Re: [Blindtlk] Use of the Term Visually Impaired
>>>   I suspect that actually the issue was not really with the term visually
>>>impaired, but rather with the order. When you say a "visually impaired
>>>person" the disability comes first as  opposed to saying a "person with a
>>>visual impairment". Thus, having the disability first is objected to, at
>>>least this is what I am assuming the blogger was getting at.
>>>Happy Friday!
>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>From: "Kelby Carlson" <kelbycarlson at gmail.com>
>>>To: <blindtlk at nfbnet.org>
>>>Sent: Friday, June 21, 2013 4:24 PM
>>>Subject: [Blindtlk] Use of the Term Visually Impaired
>>> > Hi everybody!
>>> >
>>> > So, since I'm not aware of any incendiary debates flaring up 
>>> around > here
>>> > recently, I thought I'd bring up something I read recently that I found
>>> > utterly baffling.  This was on a blog thread about proper 
>>> etiquette > around
>>> > people with disabilities.  Towards the end, a discussion of language
>>> > appropriateness came up, and someone said that "visually 
>>> impaired" was > an
>>> > unacceptable term that should not be used.  Instead, one should 
>>> say > "with
>>> > a visual impairment." I have heard similar things regaring the 
>>> phrasing > of
>>> > a "blind person" versus "a person with blindness", but this 
>>> was > especially
>>> > perplexing because I can't recall ever meeting someone in my 
>>> entire > life
>>> > who was opposed to the term "visually impaired", at least when 
>>> it was > used
>>> > to describe someone who had some functional vision.  I don't 
>>> have > strong
>>> > feelings either way, but I would actually lean more to 
>>> towards > preferring
>>> > visually impaired than "partially sighted", though I think 
>>> neither one > is
>>> > more linguistically accurate than the other.
>>> >
>>> > I have encountered the issue of language surrounding disability many
>>> > times, and it's always been a bit strange-don't we, as blind 
>>> people > (among
>>> > other people with various kinds of disabilities) have higher 
>>> priorities > on
>>> > our lists of "things to fix in the world"? These are just my 
>>> thoughts > on
>>> > the matter.
>>> >
>>> > Kelby S.  Carlson
>>> >
>>> > Vanderbilt University
>>> >
>>> >
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