[Blindtlk] Visually Impaired/ Living in the middle?

Ericka Short ericka.short at wi.rr.com
Thu Feb 13 05:06:41 UTC 2014

I'm a part of a writing group that is trying to educate through our own life 
experiences.  There are about 10 of us here in WI that are writing 
experiences down in blog format to be published on the WI Council of the 
Blind website.  There will be voices of totally blind since birth, those who 
are losing their sight as they age, those who are VI since birth or are 
slowly losing more due to a degenerative disease.  I love that there are 
stoires from people of all ages too. Reading them you can see how each 
generation has had it better.  We have a few parents of blind kids that have 
written also.  At least one has more than one issue to deal with.  It's a 
fun group to work with and  we just got the blog up and going a week ago. 
I've kind of dropped the ball so mine's not there yet.  I've read many of 
the stories an they are awesome!  I encourage all to check it out and start 
a blog like this for your state.

Ericka J. Short

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". Philippians 4:13

"No hand is too small or too big to do good in this world." EJ. Short 

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